Thursday, March 17, 2022

Today is here, and I am prepared as ever was... which is not

  Good morning, wake too early and get up to watch Tucker Carlson discuss something with an interesting person. You do realize I choose this font and size for failing vision, which doesn't mean I can't make the shot, I don't read the target. Anyway, I support more non-government peace actions in Ukraine, having no faith in benevolent government nor its efficiency. Support The Quakers, and other groups that haven't been subverted.

   I don't want to be a means of promoting organizations that are or have been targets of take over by bad folks with hidden agenda or goals. I have watched the RWVA go through several transformations, fracturing and redefining from Fred's original goals and just now drifted off to and old NRA convention in Nashville, we don't really teach history so the name is associated with the Tennessee location not the man it was named for. Revolutionary General

  I haven't blogged for so long I have to play at relearning copy and paste links to find out more. Probably a good way to slow my failing mind. I once loved standardized tests and played with them for my education. Do you know that Switzerland looked at many Constitutions and designed their own based on their desires and the examples they looked upon, remember they have language and tribal differences in their Federation, or CH short for the Latin name, used to ID autos.

   One thing I really like about blogging was so much useless information to share.

     A favorite cringe moment for me is hearing the term 'leader of the Free World' especially when applied to an American President. I think that independent individuals are hidden leaders of the World, and don't aspire to becoming a leader responsible for others. 

   After 06:30 still not light out side, but closer. Have a great day, without too much government intervention cause they always think they know better.


  1. How nice to see you back! I think of you often and check MeWe to see what you might be up to. I have been pretty slack blogging prep eats the hours.

  2. OH,I keep putting that off, but mine is easy.

  3. did them today but I owe 666 dollars will wait until April to mail it in.
