Friday, March 18, 2022

Friday, Books, Stories and thoughts to share...

  Ukraine is savaged by Russia. And Blogger doesn't use my favorite font nor size, computers don't care about my desires nor needs. Two slices of dry toast and three cups of coffee to start today, listening to Linda Ronstadt fifty years of performing. I could always understand her, until songs of my father, which was brilliant.

   The same folks running America are the same spineless cowards that avoid all conflict that my friends and family have served in. How do they lie and gain? No one calls them out? Fears of lawyers? Bullies? or terror by government gone mad. Just like PUTIN? Amplification by Media, lack of faith in God and Goodness. Always waiting for somebody to step forth to take charge and follow? Hoping that the solution will be found before two hours. We hid so well from a virus created by our desire to?

   One of those things to pray and meditate over, who am I, what should I do, how can I help? 

   The governments will not get it right. They are so wrong based on their self interest in maintaining power and place.  Fears rule. They have so much to lose. And they really fear the Man without rules, fear, treasure nor loves to lose.  Which is why we just can't stop PUTIN and his barbaric bands...  He could bomb us, the nuclear option. Could he really? We live on borrowed valueless currency and debts, with  Chinese Commie slave labor products some good and often pretentious. What would we lose? And we built a lot of the same stupid weapons, with storage and use rules. Always more protected and controlled than the guards walking around the Maximum Security Area. Why? What do we lose?

  Humanity and Heaven. PUTIN and Biden being stupid and cruel are no reason for the rest of us to follow their lead. Tired old men with grand illusions are always thinking that everyone owes them service for their leadership and courage.  Not I, cause I am too old, tired, weak and useless. I get to feel heroic by watching real heroes in cinema action, not by doing anything. Think I'll pray for good and better, and talk to friends and family about a better future, living in fear doesn't grow good, better nor best. 


1 comment:

  1. I am only wise because of fool choices when I was too young to know better
