As a I caught up with the older Airborne elder, he told me on of his heart surgeons was looking for someone to teach his college son marksmanship before the Army got hold of him. Seems he is in Oregon in the ROTC program. I figure he is trying to get a leg up, to be ahead of the rest of his class. So I gave the old paratrooper my card so they could contact me to talk about some familiarization. Have to see what he wants, has time for and where he would like to shoot.
No telling what is going to happen about this favor. I am willing to talk, plan, execute for a day anyway, and I can always recommend learning in Oregon with an Appleseed or on a local range with a local NRA or CMP instructor. The next Appleseed weekend around here is 8-9 February, 2020 in Redmond. Like I said too much 'magic' in how to learn, set, up and experience and practice. No one knows now, and experts are all busy turning out experts in whatever has to do with firearms. But most shooters don't feel uncomfortable sharing the knowledge, some ammunition and opinions. There are lawyers, laws, and liabilities but if the shooter can't learn and follow the four safety rules, I have nothing easier to teach him.
Good plan Earl. We may not be 'professional gunnies', but we know a thing or three about hitting what you're aiming at safely...