I have concerns with the idea that government can replace God, but the government goofs love it, it does increase their power, and they are all about power. So to me, I have to get closer to God, and work on me, for I am the only one I can change to be better. Yeah, I am almost a nice guy, much better than I was long ago and far away. Still I am not happy with my best. Not brave enough, need to stand up for what I believe and speak well - quietly enough that it may persuade them and not frighten them.
Take the 2nd Amendment, first- a well regulate militia is necessary for the security of a free state -
That has never ever meant the National Guard, nor the professional military folks, nor the police. It has always meant the law abiding good people that are the foundation of the free state. Currently with the abundance of laws, regulations, decrees and policies, the number of armed and out of control agencies dominating our government structures - they are evidence of power projections from the ruling elite, and I don't mean the elected people, I do mean the ruling elite the folks with money and power and voice. They seem to be the doom of the Republic, and they took over so sublimely. They tell you that it is still a government of the people, by the people and for the people.... beautiful concept, it isn't true today. Find good people, make good people and trust good people. Only then can we regain the Republic.

I will continue to work with organizations that believe in America, its Constitution and folks. I will assist in teaching marksmanship, gun safety and history of the nation and the world. I will also work on teaching young people and discussing with old folks religion and politics and solving problems.
Trying to become a harmless old man is easy, trying to stay relevant not so much. I keep thinking that Don Quixote and I have too much in common. Y'all have a great new year, and you don't have to start over, you just have to endeavor to persevere.
Persevere is all we can do. But we have patience... :-) Best wishes for 2020!
ReplyDeleteThank you Early for your continues efforts and interesting posts both here and on FB! Perhaps one day the tide will turn.