Watching the children after church run screaming in fun away from each other, at play, I wonder when the adult will take them and quell the pure joy of the chase and flight. As I slog along on the now almost daily gentle jog, I wish I felt that free and fast, have I been there before - sure, and I might not be too far from it now, but... my mind is full and wandering it slows the pace of the body down. Has to be the mind, it wants attention, in a race one is concentrating on the movement, the pace, the breathing, the place in the pack - the focus of the mind is on getting the body to the finish. In the gentle jog - it is more, get on with it, I have stuff to think about and don't disturb 'ME'.

Wonder why I do all of this? Well, one of the nicest compliments I ever received was the one word said with pleasure by a lady that had touched me, 'muscles!' That was a great feeling, haven't had that said about my jelly doughnut texture for a long time. It is paying off, I get to see the ladies in their workout clothing, and I am losing weight and gaining tone. Hopefully, getting fitter. I do feel my body better than the recliner (don't use the recliner much anymore, either). Think in August I will add swimming a couple times a week. Maybe.
Getting and staying in shape can only help as we grow older...