I understand there are millions of people hurt over the Newtown massacre. I was shocked, I said many prayers for the dead, all of them, and the people that were hurt to the point they had to do something to make their shame, hurt and humility go away. We are the best, most wonderful, greatest people on the planet - how could this happen? Why does God and the NRA allow this crime against our wonder happen? I will have to slide the NRA into the same group of folks that have a political agenda over something like this loss. None of those groups, nor the NRA, want our children (or anyone else's children) to die at the hands of a madman with a firearm, or any other weapon. Most of them don't want children killed by beating their little bodies against something hard so they stop crying, most of them don't want to burn one or two or more in sacrifice to some idol.
Once they get to that cute stage where they smile so beautifully for their mother, the camera and all those watching in love and wonder - no one really wants to kill them. You do know that the first most effective defense of a child is a smile, don't you. Now, Moma Grizzly is absolutely necessary to defend her helpless little cubs, since Daddy Grizzly will have a couple for breakfast if he could get away with it. But human babies have first and at most a smile, which they learn in their mother's arms. To read faces, to squall when strangers don't start with a smile and sweet nothings.
There are calls in the media, in political circles and in the citizens for money, for more rules, for leaving us alone, for doing something, now to ensure it will never happen again. How does MANKIND and OUR NATION get so awesome, powerful and godly? When did we become so HOLY, so Moral, so Kind, so Righteous and True --- that we didn't need to acknowledge our sinful ways and solve one little problem at a time? We don't love enough, and becoming a best person is back there on the procrastination pile. Some folks think that age has to do with maturity, not noticing it has to do with rot and decay and decline... also. We are better than that, folks, or we should be.
We can't even have a discussion about firearms, the people, the rule of law, the influence of the media on the madness. Unless, we start with that first defense of the baby, a real smile. What will never work is: name calling, reciting talking points, conventional wisdom, common sense, cliche, just fears fueled by fantasy. Media does seem to be responsible for the large number of people that are misinformed about most things. Take any subject you know about, that you study, you work at, that you are creating and improving - and the media will attempt to make opinion and money at displaying their point of view without value, to their customers - those that want to be misled, misinformed and fully mis-functional - but without responsibility for their failure. 'I was only following orders' will not work in Heaven, it doesn't on earth.
The National Rifle Association, is peopled with your neighbors, good folks that want to shoot better, share interests, make our children safer and spread the sport of shooting firearms, safely. They do use the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution as one of their best money gathering points of politics. They share the political points with politicians that want votes and see that the NRA doesn't really want to kill children, start a new civil war, arm the drug dealers or establish a destructive philosophy upon America.
So, Earl, doesn't fit - I am a Life Member in the NRA, I do own and shoot firearms. I have transferred without government permission firearms. I have taught young people to shoot safely and effectively (although they have many more lessons to learn to get to their best). I didn't respond with money to support them in defense in the newest war on the 2nd Amendment and our right. I did explain that times were tough, that I wished them luck in the courts of justice and the one of public opinion - they will never have enough money to stop the media madness. For I am sure, for many reasons, the media will continue to attack the beauty of creation for its own profit and satisfaction, that there are too many ways to twist the face that are used to terrify the viewer. Even the most beautiful woman in the world will never match the innocent charm of a happy baby, unless she allows her heart to show like the baby does.
To all the terrified non shooters out there, where do you get your fears? your foolishness? or lack of understanding and reason? I have always lived with and around firearms, they seemed to be in everyone's home, my favorite memory of my grandfather walking was of him, two pheasants, a shotgun and our dog Wags. I was a very professional paratrooper, surrounded by other people with firearms, every day, and ammunition and good and bad intentions to me - and I don't fear the firearm as much as I watch the human, for stupidity or deadly intent. I ruined my son's appreciation for many exciting war films or action (?) films, but pointing out that what the hero was doing was impossible or improbable or just done for dramatic effect. I didn't want him to think that what he was watching was true. His best features are when he is smiling at his children and they return that smile with all the love it holds. He is also surrounded by firearms where he works. I hope he knows it isn't the firearm that is the danger, it is the people, in their stupidity or their intent.

I don't fear the government's firearms, large ammunition purchases, drones or other devices to expose me to their power - I watch the politicians in their stupidity and intent. They will do more damage to the world with too much of the first than any evil of the latter. But then I don't fear the politicians either, I know the LORD, I know about love, I believe in smiles and I can use a firearm effectively - where I seem to frighten folks, is that I am different from my stereotype - and am sure it isn't worth changing to make them happy. I am going to die soon enough, too fast for some loving lovely people, and too slow for those that hate me, and the rest (most of humanity, the angels) don't even know I exist. Love them all in the LORD anyway. Amen,
It is my grand-daughter's first birthday, she is a wonderful wonder - God's blessings in the flesh, no matter how grave my sins, I know a promise and she has potential. We all do.
Good post Earl, and worth thinking about... Thanks!