Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Just enough time for a nap, this gettin' old is tiring...

I have been thinking that:

     You know, if you think the government has any wonderful powers to protect your rights, life, liberty or sanity - then you are part of the problem. The only power to do all that comes from God, and you will have to earn them. The government uses the threat of taking them away to insure compliance.

And I got a few positive responses, in the end, you determine your rights, if you go to the government at all, you have lost. Now there are folks that may think you shouldn't have any rights. But, they have been wrong before and I imagine they will be so again, it is genetic.

I have been very busy today, so I will have to catch up on the news with O'Reilly before I go to church this evening. He has posted his opinion that it will take an extraordinary man to change the American culture back to many of the traditional virtues. But for a Historian, he should know they are very few, and far between -  and mostly good folks do well, just a little at a time. What is the hurry, no one is going to save the nation when all the illusion is exposed with the ills. May have to rebuild it, but only after it all comes apart. They can't even figure out how to spend less, owe less and have a better policy on taxes, and government responsibility. 

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully that 'person' is soon to appear, because we really need him/her about now!!!
