You mean that I don't get a 'do-over'? on my life? So if I fly off the road at speeds because I was drunk on speed and alcohol - I am not trying to live long and prosper? Imagine that.
Could it be that we really think there is something out there that will save us from our folly? That bad behavior is expected, cool, and forgiven quickly? One would have to still be living in childhood to think that is going to be better as soon as you get back to mother with your tears and bruises.
I don't need to personally examine your or my life, but let us just look at the Federal Government. Why do those in the offices and agencies and positions of perhaps powerful - why are they operating as if they are going to get a pass, a do-over, and forgiven? Crimes against the citizens? Can they be held responsible for their sins? and silly stupidity?
Ever hear that one about, if you haven't got time to do it right now, completely and correctly - when are you going to have time to fix it? Yeah, live like you are only going to get one chance. Another good reason for one term limit. ONE term limit in every elected office, no retirement, and thank you very much for your attention.
It is called Government 'Service' for a reason, we didn't say that the positions must be powerful, we said the People must be powerful. Representing the People, not RULING the people restricting the People or redesigning the People.
Well, time to start packing out for the trip to this weekend's Appleseed. Hope you are all going to shoot straight and do great things this weekend - live like you are getting only one chance to make that shot, kiss that girl, win that race or love your pet when no one else loves you.
Amen... Once is all the chances we get in this life...