I passed a big event at the Fairgrounds about sewing and stitchery lots of women attending. I did find the Elks, and smiled as I noticed the bumper stickers against so many politically correct attitudes. It was a long line in front of me to get inside, and I was in the slower moving line - not having brought my voting registration card, it has the precinct number on it. I stood behind three young men that were wearing Ron Paul stickers. They immediately noticed when he showed up and moved inside to address the group and his supporters. There were no OFFICIAL Spokespeople for Governor Romney or Senator Santorum, but Speaker Gingrich had one. They are the only ones permitted to speak for their candidate. No real problem, they all had supporters, but it was so much cooler to be at the Caucus that Ron Paul came to, and to get inside in time to hear him explain his positions, and the applause on his points supported.
So no matter how national media news is covering the results in Washington, the only numbers they have are the straw poll results. When I signed up as a voter from my precinct I was asked who I supported. I put down Ron Paul, others had their choices. That is the 'vote' that will be counted, I volunteered to be a delegate to the Pierce County caucus, cost me twenty dollars for the Republican Party card, and sixty dollars for my chair - there. There we will be asked again for information and choices, and will select the delegates to the State Caucus, where they pick the final delegates to the National Convention.
I did get excited about the energy, having watched union organized media events, these were real concerned folks - kind of like this is their only chance before TEOTWAWKI... I personally have NO FAITH in the political parties, but am still certain that candidates that really want to support a better America will have lots of people that normally don't participate helping now.
Thirteen people from my precinct, voted about what concerned us - for the party to think about as part of their platform. Two young men carrying babies, middle aged and old aged folks - all represented. America trying to heal itself. Y'all be good out there, we can get better.
Oh, I didn't see me on television either, but I was in the line they photographed and broadcast several times. Four years ago they had about a hundred voters, this year over five hundred - what does that tell you?
How cool that you got to see Mr. Paul and hear him speak. I think we need him.