Among the thoughts was that stray one about in darkness is: why that boy, who will be tried as an adult, killed all those other students. Having shot my own computer, in my home (hollow points not being as terminal in computers as they might be in living flesh) I know where I find the reason he shot them. Wait, I don't really have an excuse for his behavior - I just expect better of it because of the culture, (the one I did not grow up in) but that has been laid upon real human beings by those that know what is best for everyone. I am sorry that anyone was shot and have died and I know that nothing will make it better.
Ask any cook, I would have said woman but that would be sexist (?), if you put soup on the stove and cover it - wander to distraction somewhere else - it might boil over before you get back. If you use a pressure cooker, which is so cool, if it doesn't have a release somewhere it could blow up - in the days of steam engines they watched for that stuff. My point being that no one allows young fool males to fight any more. You have an evolutionary design for males to fight for all kinds of good things, and then you put them in places and times and society where fighting is VERBOTEN! What results did you expect? There is no release, no way to let off steam. The other problem is lack of value of life, his own or anyone else's. He likely doesn't love himself.
When the society can proclaim that abortion isn't Murder, what is? Not that anything to do with reproduction rights are something I dwell on - but I have always thought that Post Natal Abortion would be proper, when the unwanted pregnancy problem gets to be eighteen, the mother and the problem go into a room with the bill for all the costs to the mother's life for the problems existence - and the one that walks out alive wins! No, I don't think much of abortion, it is too sad to think about at all, how did our society ever get to the point that sex was just an itch to scratch and never hurts anyone?
Don't you know, that if I (an old man) remain totally uncomfortable with women that display so much of their special charms where I bank, I am just always depressed by people that allow stupid bad behavior to destroy the beauty of babbling babies that poop too much, but smell so good when they are cleaned up and back to babbling?
And no, I don't think there should be a law --- I think you should know what is moral behavior - it isn't situational. There is a Right and there are Wrongs.
I agree. This is SO true...
ReplyDeleteAll The Best,
Frank W. James