Friday, August 28, 2015

I am wearing two brand new knives today... I am only fifty pounds and a couple IQ points from awesome...

  My two knives showed up, nice enough for my work, will have to sharpen them a bit. For being a major German knife maker they were produced in China, sigh. Well, I have kept them from keeping them until the migration. On Korean news, their President (a woman) was announcing that they would recover from the recession with hard work and virtuous conduct and calm. But Americans haven't figured out they are riding on a bubble and haven't any liquid to make more with... Ah, it will be ugly.  My only advice is to pay off all debts and be prepared to buy land with all rights.

  My progress in fitness was twenty more miles at the YMCA, took my wife to get her time on the track in. The rains were light, the air is heavy with moisture and cool, hope it makes it over the Cascades to the eastern dry burning and dumps a load or two. I think I will read Caesar's Invasion of Britain by Ellis.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Death by recliner... how recliners kill more people every year than guns.

  I have long held that I am dying by recliner use. I can ruin my health by just watching a weekend of football games. From the bench or from the bleachers or from the recliner - needless to say, I can see a lot more football in comfort from my recliner on a big screen.  Just have the kid or a well trained dog go get me another cold beer.

  Okay, you might know I don't have a kid at home now, nor a well trained dog, and that I don't drink beer... but sitting too much is terrible for your health.  My mother loved to read, watch game shows, and sit and sometimes write letters and poetry. She did it with more modern methods as the years went by, but she was the woman that walked to her car, put the dog inside and drove to the dog park, and sat and watched the dogs run and play.  My Dad would get the leash and walk the dog to the park and play a bit (throwing a tennis ball) or stand and talk to other dog walkers about whatevers. Then he would walk back. Now Dad went to his reward sooner than my mother, but all the elder women in my family are widows, just a fact.  In her later years it was more and more difficult from my mother to get around, we even got to the point of a recliner that would lift her to her feet so she could progress around with a walker.

  So, since I am not the slim young fellow from long ago and far away, and I don't feel confident enough to jog enough to burn up all the ice cream and sugars stuffed in my face by automatic stimuli response... I have gone back to standing at the computer, and workbench and in the yard.  For sure it is a big step in the correct direction to over come gravity, the gravity that keeps pulling me down... down... down.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Leader of the FreeWorld... or just another pretty face...

   The pastor was preaching with passion today, got so many of us fired up - I even told the Sunday school fellow I would follow his lead on Sunday school next week.

   It is good to get stirred up, for good things. My wife was working on food for the fellowship all day so I didn't see much of her in church, but we found each other periodically. Old folks don't do much bad, like to think they are so slow that all their energy is for good, would work for me. When I get to the point I realize how old I am, someday.

   That passion the preacher had was way better than most of the politicians and others running for major office, more like the passion of the parades of folks against Planned Parenthood. They seem to be out in force, would be nice to see some leadership, but I notice that it isn't at the top of the list of things wrong with America that we can fix, that most of us aren't supporting so why is the government doing it? Should be the question about all of those troubling things that just aren't right.

   I have decided that running as the write-in Candidate for President is where I stand - not asking for money, power nor sponsorship - won't owe anyone of y'all anything except to try and do my best to work on things that really need fixed. Government debt, value of the dollar, investing part of the Social Security Trust fund in the broad stock market (as soon as you say that, people start figuring ways to steal from that idea for themselves or to use the power of shares of stock to change the world). Eliminating large government groups of goofs, and just hire some experts for particular jobs.

  I am sure I won't win the election, since it has always been rigged for certain groups at different times. But then to tell the truth, if I were needing to follow a human in office for my best efforts - I would not have a relationship with the LORD, and that would be a very sad day for me and thee. None of us need the government, we designed it because we wanted to be left alone to do our best, and while we were sleeping all kinds of fools and folly took over those good intentions by the founding fathers.  History says we will always go wrong, just the way humans are.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Okay the ladies are now qualified Rangers, but not being assigned to the Ranger regiment or battalions?

A lot of people are making noise about the two females who completed Army Ranger school. Can anyone tell me if they both met all the physical standards their male counterparts were expected to meet? I don't know, that's why I'm asking. Thanks.
If both met the same standards before women were allowed in the program, then good on them and congrats. If the standards were changed and they were "accommodated", then I personally think their completions of the program are nothing more than the equivalent of a PC participation trophy. That is all.
       Reply: William Earl Dungey Don't be so hard on them, they are only girls. Why the command believes that they had to graduate to prove something might be as troubling as why any women would believe they have to get a Ranger course to prove they are as tough as men. I don't have a tab, I just have the Ranger Handbook and I can read so I am as or more qualified to be a tough man as they are.   And my brother thinks one tough woman should kick my butt to show me they are better than I am, well, I am just a fat old man. But I would remain too dangerous for a few more years, even as slow and mellow as I am now.

   It is an Army school, where graduating is the norm and not impossible, they should be wearing the Ranger Tab proudly. And should know that won't do them any good in a bar fight, in the real jungle and all our enemies will treat them like they treat all American women.  They will be treated wonderfully by the press, by other women - maybe, by most people that know nothing about combat infantry and small units against stiff odds.  They will also be competing against the male officers for promotions - equally - NOT. Now they have the tab they will stay special, the first. Poor men, that have been graduating the course since 1950 will be second. And as tough and capable as they are, I am not following them. Sure if I were in the military I would have to obey their lawful orders, and disappear as fast as only I know how.  If they are great officers, and work hard and have real leadership, I really might work well with them... but they never had to have a tab for that to happen. You see, I know most officers aren't great, many are just good, and then there are the really stupid ones and the bad ones and the ones no one wants to be around.  Luckily for the American army, that is only a small percentage, very small.

   But the other truth they know and you should know, too. That PFC Smith did everything those two West Point officers did, everything. Also that in combat operations, infantry sergeants are supposed to be able to do all that the ranger course teaches. And if the sergeant dies, some one of his patrol, squad or platoon steps up and accomplishes the mission. This isn't rocket science.

   Two characters from Space Opera combat fiction - Honor Harrington and Adele Mundy - both women, both of noble houses, honorable, and both great fighters and leaders.  I like reading about each, mainly because the male authors treat them as female men... I know nothing about women, like them but women have other values and experiences than I.  Adele Mundy, is a librarian, spy and cold blooded killer - and she I understand best, really. Honor Harrington is the Horatio Hornblower of the Napoleonic Wars moved into David Weber's space future. Adele Mundy is much closer to my values and perceptions than Honor Harrington. I do read the same type of fiction and fantasy from female writers, enjoy them, but never find any understanding of combat, and way too much sex and romance for me to enjoy. And killing is just not the way it got written there.

  Remember, that the first two female officers to graduate from the Ranger Course and get their tabs, they were there, they met the standards and so did PFC Smith.  But it was cheaper to send him to the training than it was the ladies. I have to wish all the graduates of the Ranger Course with their new tabs well, hope they have a very fine future in the US Army.  So glad that I never went to school and earned the tab, would mean that I would have to think it was like a ribbon everyone gets for showing up, and that women could actually now be as good in combat operations as I, which I don't accept. But then I think women are very valuable for civilization, and war has never been civilized nor the best of civilization. Only godless communists and stupids from the PC crowd would waste women, so needlessly. I often am with the Chinese, you don't waste good steel on nails for horseshoes.... iron will do.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Have you ever been a young man, with hormon control problems?

   I have been a young man, love to think I was one for many more years than I really was... I was at a church picnic and another man touched my wife and I could have killed him, didn't but his eyes hit the BugEyed size that means 'deep fear and what is making you ugly'. I was almost ashamed of myself, but I wasn't apologizing - my world says if I touch a woman I had best be on my very best behavior. So, I have current culture problems with casual sex with 'friends' or cause some one 'needs' it... and a host of other things I am not able to discuss because I am a healthy repressed male - I don't fight nor fling as much as I ought to - just not PC nor current cultured enough.

  If I were to make the world a better place, all the males would learn to fight to the death and stop upon command. Really, our life needs warriors - not murderers - warriors. There are bad and evil people out there that will do terrible things for ungodly reasons. So we need warriors.

   Women can fight, and can kill, and it doesn't make me think that I want women to be fighting for me, nor that I can follow the orders of a woman that has rank or position over me in combat. Remember, I have been a young man, I have little trouble leading men into battle knowing some will die, all must kill well and expecting all the men to carry their own weight, and to step up and take over when I can't. But no women can do that, not for this young man, with this young man nor for this young man.

   So in the days when everyone has to fight to save the Soviet Union, the NVA, the Communist Parties of anywhere - women have had to put on uniforms pick up guns, fly planes or whatever and fight. Remember I said they can fight - but they don't fight nor lead men in combat well. Men attacked by women (all cultures) have no respect for women warriors, they treat them like meat and do whatever they want with them. Likely rape is first, cannibalism is next and last is feed them to the dogs.

    Seems that the Department of Defense is under the same stupidity that the socialists and current culturist where gender doesn't matter and everything must be fair and equal.  So we got our first two graduates of the Ranger course and they met every standard and will now lead other young men into combat in one of the three Ranger regiments.... NOT! But stupidity doesn't ever stop anywhere and it can strike for all kinds of reasons. You won't win any wars by increasing the number of women in uniform for combat. You won't. We won't, they won't but for sure there are two men somewhere that didn't go to Ranger course because we had two women that had to graduate so they could prove wearing a Ranger Tab means nothing.  There are a lot of soldiers that couldn't go to the school, they have to be selected and pass pre-Ranger, then wait their turn and go. Working hard to make sure nothing happens like broken bones or fever or drowning. It has always been a great course of instruction, until the cadets figured out a whole class could strike. Still, it is a great course, and I am sure that the two women learned a lot, I hope they write a book about it, but I bet they aren't really sure that they might not have made it, if they had been a young man.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

So, I don't seem to be blogging... what is going on?

   Good question. I have hit the doldrums... I can't even mow the lawn, that is how locked into just existing I seem to be.

   I have been cleared by my doctor to return to my normal exercise pattern, so he specifically said I could run. I didn't ask if I was safe for sex, the idea of pills is out of television commercials and poor old Hugh Heffner.  My wife's television gave up the picture, I went and found a replacement, smaller and much cheaper. I am waiting on some parts then I will finish the job and make it all better.  About the running, I will have to get over the unspoken fears in my mind. I am almost positive that the body can handle it - just the Earl I have concerns about.

   Well, time to head for a good sweaty workout at the YMCA, then I can return and see if I can do something productive around the home.

   Y'all have a great weekend, don't forget, this is the Liberation Day for all those that suffered under Imperial Japan.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

In case you missed it...

   FOXnews had a big meet the Republican Presidential candidates debate on Thursday, which worked very well for FOX and the people answering questions.  And because all the media is now the circus you didn't have to watch to know - who won, the best sound bites, and where the drama will come from in future debates. My opinion of Megan Kelly, Chris Christie, and some Senator from South Carolina is so low they won't recover. I was impressed with the lone lady on stage, Marko Rubio, and the Ohio governor.  Having said that only two of them would I vote for, and Trump has nothing but good taste in women and bad taste in manners and ideas about government. But you don't need me to tell you anything about the American beauty pageant to pick the next President.

   I find the EPA, in order to prevent a terrible pollution, caused a terrible pollution.  Didn't I say something about the government never being as effective as private business? For some strange reason, power projection I expect, the government and all its agencies continue to expand their control and impact upon America. What comes of that is very slow growth, erosion of the value of the dollar (no, I won't call it inflation) and a world and peoples that don't trust the nation nor the way it seems to be going.

   What can we do about it? 'We' can't do anything, you can take care of yourself, your family, your friends, your work, your investments, your property. You will never, ever be as strong and nasty as the State and its minions. But you are smaller and quicker, so keep quiet and move slower than one minute of angle per hundred, they should miss you being there at all.  I am more certain every day that Ron Paul was correct about what needs to be done to restore America - but am also sure there are way too many low information voters and too many dollars from the controllers to make the changes needed for a smooth restoration.  So it will be ugly, and harder and harder, and something new and better may come from the end.  Being a student of History, I expect bad things from more government. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Woke up thinking of hunting this morning.. cool promise of rain in the air...

  Looked at Facebook, marked as read and left not a track... said good morning to my wife, stood on the scale and decided it was lying to me, but liked the lie anyway. Didn't turn on the boob tube, was that so named because only boobies watch it, or the fools find the boobs? Although I would be uncomfortable with so much feminine flesh flaunted, I have noticed the Latin ladies seem to laugh more so they jiggle and makes me think Americans are modestly repressed...

  Back to heating oatmeal, milk and raisins - while making coffee, mulling that Pat Man had moose for his morning sunrise shot, his father remarked the moose with her two calves is giving the ranch dogs something to bark about, waking up, Idaho.  Break an egg over the oatmeal, mix, return to microwave for finishing. Get first mug of coffee and go do breakfast on the back porch. Spend some contemplation time watching the eastern cat sitting on my fence watching me watching it. I am boring and too big to hunt, it moves down the top of the fence going for the garden, knowing the mice have trails there. One quiet stalk through that jungle, makes me wish I had a telephoto camera to take some pictures, and then off to the side to act like a rock... that doesn't work the western house pet arrives to see if the stalk missed anything, pardon my puss....  I see coordinated patrolling twice then they really impress me with contemplation, compression and leaping up the fence in two different directions.  The coffee is good this morning, I must have made it. As I look above the cat on the fence a high flying hummingbird hoovers making its mind up... shouldn't take too long, it has to be a tiny mind.

  Time to pack out for the YMCA, a mind is a terrible thing for the waist. I get to watch, talk and think as I sweat, there isn't much else on my menu.  Could my resolve be there? My motivation isn't, but then I am expected, if I had something to say I might even be listened to... hmm, I expect to hear about the cost of traveling to Yakima for training again. Some of us are very much like a record skipping back... well, someone has to do it, and since it is for my device tech - I will go and try to make my world interesting. Yard work will wait, the moles are popping up all over.

Monday, August 3, 2015

the nation has lost its moral compass.

God grants life and y'all kill it and sell it for parts, lots of little parts.

   Planned Parenthood has donated large sums of money (from a nonprofit business) to the Democratic Party. They didn't donate a dime to Republicans. Now it is clear to me, that Planned Parenthood is EVIL and works for the Satanic worshippers. Or, they aren't evil they are really doing to the unfortunate women that can't help themselves by virtue (which seems to be a myth just like honor - current culture saying that real people don't have to have virtue nor honor) a fine service. 

  Then they list a bunch of medical checkup stuff, that many women got from clinics and hospitals and doctors - pretending that is what they do - some of those items they will refer you to a clinic or doctor or hospital where you can get that particular service. They will also give you counsel and answer your questions - kind of, cause they won't swear to the truth, just a reasonable facsimile.  In the darkness, in their depravity, they will provide abortions to women that consent, especially women that wait long enough that the baby parts are harvestable. Not that anyone wants baby parts - we don't need no baby parts, we got deaths everywhere.

   There are some visuals circulating with rich white women sipping wine and talking about techniques to save the good stuff and shred the rest. For free not for a fee, but being careful could be assisted by proper compensation, a donation for the nonprofit organization so they can continue their good work and support the Democratic Party and the Butcheredbaby Bunch.  That is what is really going on under the name 'Planned Parenthood'.  Killing the unborn for the devil, and making the whole world their fertile fields.

   I was more concerned with the coming collapse of the empty coffers of the kingdom, with the lack of care for The Constitution and the letter and intent of the law - but the real end of America was pointed out by Senator Reid, no moral values. It is the true danger, no God, and you can't save yourself.  End of America, and of everyone else, when the point of worship becomes yourself, your fears and folly, it is all over. Satan wins.

   Oh, for those that are willing, there is a way to save your soul (you have to know you have one, I pray) and to align with the LORD. But it isn't cool, hip, and never will be easy - cause you start becoming old fashioned and out of step with the beat of the drums...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Starting my day with tea instead of coffee... what could be wrong...

  Seems like my congestion has dried up, no fever, no headache and normal disgust with folks that think the government is on their side. Good morning, Sunday. It looks beautiful outside my window and begins a promise of better things to come.

  My son and grandson did a whole eighteen holes of par three and I don't golf, but wished I had been there to watch. Think that will go on my list, have to sign back up for flights, and get my passport renewed (every ten years, time passes).

  Not wanting to spread my germs, we will go later to church, but my wife won't allow me to wearing my bandit kerchief over my face.  Win some lose some.

Friday, July 31, 2015

So, I need something to do well, for more than I and I pick...

  Restoring my country to Liberty, not greatness, not leadership of the world, not an economic powerhouse... just Liberty under the LORD. That last part makes many modern Americans squirmy, cause it is so misunderstood.

  All governments are about control of the populations under their control. They also evolve into an institution that may be often corrupted. Many organized religions are successful for the appearance of making the congregation 'Children of God' and many then ally themselves with the government power to protect the people, or so they believe. 

  The truth is you don't need the government, you don't need religion you can be the best you can ever be without either. Having said that, remember that Jesus didn't really establish a Christian religion, he presented the truth and was the way. He never said the Roman government should adopt his love for everyone, he never forced anyone to his path, he talked, he taught and was a living example.  His tale of the temptations while in the wilderness are critical. For those temptations are being accepted as a way to change everything, but they never have changed anything except the fool that picks those.

   You do need to find the LORD, receive guidance and work out your life as the noise of stupidity ramps up, you should do it often and vigorously. Find like minded folks and work in love for God and goodness. Don't worry, the government, which ever one takes charge because there are too many godless fools will decide that you have to die. It is going to happen to the worst and the best of the human beings. Honor your God, love His creation and don't worry about it as you spread the message and make you life count.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Yes, there are some people that should not be armed, especially dangerous...

but, if I told you that when you lose you ability to bear arms as a right of a human being, then you should also lose your ability to vote - what would you think then?  First they started with the disabled and maybe not so disabled veterans (you know those men and women that killed people and broke things for their government) make sure they can't commit suicide or murder by having arms.... yep, happens.  Not too many to make the politicians quake, because if they are taking medications for mental issues they can't be too safe. If you tied their ability to vote to the same thought process as bearing arms or being responsible for financial dealings then the folks in charge of getting live bodies to the polls might worry.

   So now, the government in all its goodness and greatness is going to disarm the old folks.  How many old folks have committed these mass shootings? drive-by shootings? We should just pass a law outlawing oxygen to anyone bent on using arms for evil. Regulation of the tools will never stop what starts in the mind of a human, they will always invent a way to perform what task they put their mind to.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Gosh, I am now Facebook famous, I am a 'Right Wing Troll'. Wouldn't Mom be proud?

You would ask, you must be a liberal.
? As usual, not a lick of sense out of a right wing troll.
Ah, you must know my brother. .... didn't think I was more than Earl, but you have labeled me more than such. ....
  It was really a much better day away than when I got back to Facebook, there is a real message there.
  I woke one minute before the alarm went off at 4 am, turned it off, hit the shower, weighed and dressed for shooting. Made coffee and breakfast gruel (no egg) and took my blood pressure and medications. Look at the computer and turn it off, so it doesn't mess with my Computer Cave while I am away. So I drive off into the early dawning morning for a three hour drive with little competing traffic. Eagle Creek, Oregon, here I come.
  Got there, parked said hello to a lot of familiar faces, and we moved to the trap shed and parked again for introductions and safety briefing then moved the stuff to the two hundred and fifty yard mark. Ben loves starting the Known Distance with a Daniel Morgan one round cold bore shot, so we were going to do that. All seventeen of these fine marksmen and women, were going to go and establish their credentials.  The first few seemed to have it locked, making it look easy, then a couple misses. It was only an eight inch steel plate painted white. Then a hit that really rocked it and set it swinging. It settles and a miss or two more.
  Then it is my shot, and I always laugh at steel targets, because I can't hear them cry out when struck. Someone else was going to have to listen for me. It was a perfect shot from my view. And when it hit the target went crazy and died, dropped and crawled off for a replacement. I saw all that, they should all be that good.  Made my day, so I packed  my stuff up and came back home. I earned my Daniel Morgan Rifleman patch with my M1 Garand, built in 1954 at the Springfield Armory, MA.
   Okay, Al convinced me to stay and keep shooting, only a hundred and twenty more rounds to go, shoot, paste targets, record scores, and remember to raise the target back up or shooting it in the pits wouldn't work (there is an artillery cure for that).
   I had a great time, there were lots of repeat Riflemen, and some very new ones made at the full distance -- but I wasn't one of them.  Seems I switched targets a bit (I was not alone, some fine .223 round was right there in the middle of my .30 target! great shot, Janer!)  I did show a couple of brilliant moments, 300 yards under time pressure, two rounds within an inch of each other. Three hundred yards were my best position, and as a timed transition I couldn't out think the shot. Must work on standing and sitting just for finding solid and steady positions. 
  Overall, I learned much about what I need to work upon. I also, in the cool quiet of my home, know that I was effective as a military shooter. Just not enough to meet the qualifications of the standard, score of 200 or better, or thirty of forty hits in the black. But I will be able to do either or both with more dry fire for good reasons, and live fire for grins. I will be back.
   Came back home to find the Marines lost more men, and a sailor was badly wounded in an attack by an Islamist Terrorist that couldn't out run justice in Tennessee law enforcement. A naturalized legal immigrant from Kuwait, that little country that couldn't... will have to add them to my prayers today. We all need help. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Well, the flag thing is finished back to everyone gets a gun...

   I support the 2nd Amendment, and I have never been foolish enough to think the criminals that wish to harm me will disarm because the government says they must.  And after their time of punishment is over all their rights should be returned, including the one to keep and bear arms. I do think change is possible.  You do notice that no one has put me in charge, haven't you?

  So this morning when I woke and turned on the commercial exploitation of a captive audience to see what had happened in the night. I find Kerry has given Iran all it needed this week. Now the President and the Democrats have to sell this agreement as wonderful to the people, the silly ones that think there is something to fear in America's Evil past (yes, I am talking about the really stupid ones that are so much better than I).  Should be a slam dunk, something I will never do nor admire.

  In keeping with my position that more nukes still don't matter, just like more guns don't matter, I am not concerned. President Clinton made sure North Korea had nukes, and the war hasn't broken out there, yet. President Obama makes sure Iran has nukes, thinking everything is equal. But the neighborhood is going to ISIS, ISIL, or to pieces. Anyone vacationing in Lebanon, lately? My Facebook avatar is the Israeli flag, the background is the Third Temple.

  I study History, and I know there are real fighters in the United States, who will fight for their cause against the hordes of barbarians without mercy.  But there is going to be lots of innocent blood spilled because so many have not one real core value or belief worth dying for, or fighting for. Too long fed the nonsense that America is the problem, they really believe it is. Get in line get your latte and go on line for your morning marching orders... you just aren't going to be ready for when the grid goes down.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Thems that hast no sense of pride nor shame, just no pride...

  I was trying to figure out how the Confederate Battle flag got to be such a hot item, a topic of no discussion and just striking fear into the few of little mind and less history... how did the country go completely nuts?

  I mean, I don't have to have one, but I can't get one to show solidarity with History, an opposing view point, nor calm the fears of the feeble folks.  My Betsy Ross flag is perfect for all I am standing for, but really it is so close to the current American flag, few notice and if I had a circle of twelve stars with one in the center - fewer still would know that one, and if I put the Roman number three in the center only a few would understand but the fear factor would be fueled.

  But getting away from all the lies, and legends (don't want to promote Bill o'Reilly's books) I have long noticed the trend to bland out color... We once painted RED, Blues, and other vivid colors, fierce animals of long ago, mythical and marvelous on our steeds for battle, buildings and barracks and exercise areas... anytime we needed to hide mud and dies were around.  But in garrison we flamed and postured proudly, cause we were awesome!  Then would come a sergeant major that had read the regulations, a modern commander that wanted everyone to calm down and play nice, and the beige paint would start to blandly be rolled over the traditional tigers with big teeth and eyes burning bright.

  My high school was once sporting a hillbilly like Mountaineer with a jug of shine and a rifle and beard. Now, some bland ram - a male or transgender representing the sheep we were to become... so sad, a sheeple by nature... bah, bah, bah.

  So meaningful fighin' spirit has to be cartooned into comical, or bland and pastoral... sheep.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

All the time you need in retirement...

  I wanted to fire twenty-four rounds of 30-06 from my M1, and drove off to do so. And found the Seattle to Portland bicycle race running across my highway to happiness, on East Gate Road. Didn't even slow me down, but it was motivational - I could wear those kinda tight slinky kind of racing clothes, after dropping fifty pounds and more training, Drill Sergeant!
   I got to the range early, but still took the last rifle position and set up to shoot three sighters and five on the 100 yard target.  And along came John, panting after a real old war rifle, drooling about how he wanted to shoot one, own one and a bunch of other things.  And I had bristled when he said 'olde' cause the rifle is six years younger than I.  I am a kinder and gentler fellow than my rifle, so I set up and talked to him and his shooting partners, friends of the kind that own rifles and ammunition, and being gun people willing to let him shoot theirs.  Of course, this is Bloomberg's Washington, so without a national background check no one could allow the guy to shoot.  Then again, the FBI said the whole background check doesn't work as advertised - we could have mentioned since it was government it wasn't meant to work, just feel good.  Like sexual activities and no conception, the government.

  Anyway, the sights were on, but a bit left, so I allowed my first round (in case the rifle were going to kill its operator in a suicide attempt or a neighboring shooter) to be sighted and shot by the total stranger. His finger prints are on the trigger, sir, no I don't know his name, but you have the DNA evidence, don't you? Since I was looking through the spotting scope I know no targets were perforated by that round. It just doesn't count.  He thanked me for the experience.

   I slung up, fired two, checked them, went right about four clicks, and fired the remaining five. All my rounds hit the target.

The rifle is pointed at the two hundred yard target, which has a black six inch center.
Jumped in the Caravan, drove to and picked up the target and took it to the Two hundred yard line. ShootnSee target post on the center, little hole covers on the wide ones. Back to the line. Snap a picture and then three check, then five and make rifle cleared and safe, drive down to move the target to the three hundred yard line. Final eight rounds, I know how much elevation to add for three and four hundred.

   Shooting a Known Distance qualification course or two on Thursday this week, wish me luck!

Friday, July 10, 2015


   I got all the myths, the classical ones from my Mother and the local library while I was growing up. I knew who Hero was, many today don't. But then there was still the word heroine around.  So I got Greek, Roman, Norse myths and legends, to King Arthur and a Thousand and One Nights.  I even got to read a book about Little Black Sambo, which was about a very smart boy in India and tigers.

   Not being too concerned about race at my tender age, I couldn't see the way others did, as they twisted things to make everyone worse, or perhaps feeling better - but it was always out there. The idea that one group, spokes person, or idea had more merit than the others is how culture is defined. Mozart over Beethoven?  Waltz over tango? I did note carefully the racial purity nonsense of the NAZI party, but it was just as accepted in America as Germany. There seemed to be lots of scientific research, publications and authoritive scripture from learned academics spouting similar nonsense.

   But people are of very short memory, if it didn't just happen, well - there doesn't seem to be any evidence that what I just said isn't true. So, hundred and many years later someone says something, and because they are important or current - what they said is true. Be it Climate Change caused by man, the Evil in being offensive or the suffering of being offended. IT MUST BE TRUE.

  The people swayed by such things are all lost, have no standards, and can't tell a truth from the lie. So sad they aren't thinking. Little logic, no lively discussion of points of view -- I remember learning so much more at the evening dinner table with Mother, Father and my siblings, and visitors. Adult conversations, imagine.  This is only my memory, not one survey completed, poll taken, nor written record survives, so in fact this is my personal Mythperception.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Lost causes...

For some strange reason there is a terrible fear of failure in our society. But we fail often and get up and do better the next time, that is how one learns to crawl, then walk, then run - there is a lot of falling flat on ones face or fanny. But we deny it, by passing a law against the effects of our trying and against gravity, knowing that it must be gravity's fault not the fool struggling against it.

Does make me wonder what the world is learning under the guidance and visual pretense of the media, both entertainment and news journalism.  Barack H. Obama's real birth certification from Hawaii - in a computer format that was never used when he was born, for a place not built at the time of his birth.  Lovely thing electronics - it doesn't matter, no matter where he was born, he is the President -- and has ruled as the benevolent Prince ever since, or the seemingly benevolent Prince.

Murder is much more certain. Nine people were shot dead by a lone wolf terrorist working for a long dead cause - White Privilege. That is a lost cause, it never was true, even when it was called White Supremacy, the Left mocking that lost cause by trying to make the losing whites feel guilty for something they aren't participating in, nor believe in - just doesn't work. Only lonely stupid losers wave flags they don't honor nor understand and think that will strike fear into other humans. It would not have worked inside that church, it doesn't work outside that church. Very much like the fools shouting about White Privilege or White Supremacy, a lost cause, no one is listening - shout louder!

The loser waving the Confederate Naval Ensign or the real Confederate Battle flag isn't ready and willing to die for the Confederacy, those that were and understood defeat, they don't have to hide that they supported a lost cause. Read Lee's Final farewell to his soldiers. The man that freed all his slaves ten years before the Civil War.  That battle flag and the name of his Army, the Army of Northern Virginia, was all about what he was fighting for, his state. Modern people don't understand loyalty nor honor, certainly not sacred honor. He had his lost cause, you can have your own, you just don't know you are supporting one.

Another murder in San Francisco, and the Sanctuary City says it isn't their fault the murderer was released, for sure no one knew he was going to have an accident with a firearm (which he couldn't have legally owned) by pulling the trigger until he was sure he could stop pulling it - at a woman that he didn't know.  There are people that will cry out for new better tougher laws, but murder is already a great law - he broke it. It doesn't matter that he could only kill one, never waved anything except good bye to tough times in Mexico San Francisco mi amigo here he comes, again - five times.  No one is crying for tougher gun laws - San Francisco has a bunch that only its Congressional Representatives will attempt to avoid and make lots of money. Law abiding citizens must be gunned down so the evening news can fuel the fears and sell air time for public service announcement from Moslem extremists hiring actors for their lost cause.

Lost causes, being a real proud American, since the media, entertainment and news don't believe one should be proud of being able to jog gently in the morning and stop and get a burger with bacon before going to work, or another romantic encounter with a woman that pretends to love you and all your faults. Bill Clinton couldn't jog in Washington DC daily like he could in Little Rock, another lost cause. He could find women to love in all the wrong places, forgetting that all women will tell another. Hopefully all they have to tell are things one should be proud of, would your mother be proud, Bill, or just forgiving?  Mothers are like that, and often think because they never really understand men, that all men (even their sons) are a lost cause - but they don't stop loving nor having hope that the boy will change, one day soon.  Maybe we shouldn't give up on God, America or any of our own lost causes, just love them and work at them until they win. You don't have to wave a Rainbow flag for another lost cause.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

I find no truth out there...

  Watching 'Sons of Liberty' which is so far away from the real History of the colonies and their independence from the Old World, that I fear for my posterity. My grandchildren are going to be fed the most foolishness as fact, and their representatives in the capitals will lie. How does this come about? Why the cry over old flags, the true meaning of common words, and great moral questions of every age - suddenly become suspect? Too much Hollywood in the brain?

  Well, I have written 'Fred' about things, Do hope that Independence Day isn't just a movie about how to beat an invasion of overpowering aliens, and that you remember why we celebrate.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

independence day blues... everyone should so suffer...

  No it isn't the 4th of July, it is Independence Day... with a long list of terrible things the colonies couldn't suffer under the far away Parliament and King George the Third. A long list that looks suspiciously like or better than the stupidity we are living under now.

  I am not concerned, the America that could have been died soon after WWII, not because of lack of courage, lack of leadership, lack of values - but because re-writing History continued. The lie that government must control the economy to make everything better - a lie. That without the Roosevelt changes in basic freedoms that the collectives of the Soviets or the Chinese Communists would be better than free enterprise, better than the Republic, all lies. That a secular society is fairer than a moral or religious society will be better for everyone.  The lie that the government has an answer that will always work, all lies.

  I encourage everyone to read the Declaration of Independence, and reflect on what a monster has been created to replace those points of contention with the Crown. Know ye that England has not gotten better nor lesser from the separation of colonies from Crown, but very well suffers exactly the same ills with a resident Royal to bring tourism to the homeland.

  I encourage everyone to be free and independent.  I am embarking on bicycle riding for Gas Tax increase protest. Why should I pay more to ride just because the law maker representatives in Olympia don't have any good sense and don't love me, the citizen they don't care for and love more than their life.  They don't love me, nor thee, they think we are just something to be controlled exploited and robbed at gun point.  Don't believe me, the sheriff or police will be on their way, since true free thinking is a dangerous activity, not approved by any political party, nor representative of the people that aren't secure in their importance without subjects to their will.

  Don't owe them anything, become free and independent. Save your energy for the future that no one can predict, although they really want to.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Quiet Monday morning thoughts...

  My brother drove me to the Bible and prayer, or my lack of a proper start to the beauty of the Summer morning outside my Computer cave window and my thankfulness that I can truly believe.

  A ton of work is awaiting my attention, having returned from a very small but as always successful Appleseed event, I even have reports to file, rifles to clean and put away.  And I found out more truth while upon the road and range that isn't on my computer feed, nor is drawing national attention but is there in all our lives, troubling us.

  So I share: Seventh stepping being a critical part of spreading the word about the wonders of an Appleseed event with safe marksmanship, having history and honoring our heritage, the Shoot Boss, me, has to encourage the shooters - to tell everyone to wear their Appleseed Project t-shirt, tell their story and talk about the RWVA message so I did.  And I learned a large truth.

  I found that a shooter, who really learned and improved a lot, can't tell family nor co-workers and friends about the two days with me... SHOCK!! But then I realized the shooter had just become my introduction to the S to the 4th power, (Super Secret Shooting Society!). Never fired a rifle before Saturday, the shooter's final shots went out safely on target on Sunday, but has been invited back with the normal admonishment - dry fire practice, read the study materials and think well of us.

  I won't tell you the shooter is afraid of nothing - that there isn't a real effort to paint the NRA, shooters and such with the same color paint one uses for the horrors one sees on the entertainment and news media. EVIL, and those that are brave enough stay and find out an uncomfortable truth, maybe the fear that is spread from the top of the human pyramid to the bottom dwellers isn't based on truth.  Because there is EVIL in the world, a younger white man murdered nine real Christians, and the news media, the entertainment folks and the ones that want to spread fears began looking at everything to blame his actions on... and a feed frenzy of the fearful foolish began.

   Confederate Battle flags sales stopped, memorials defaced, cakes only baked celebrating homosexual and Christian kills for ISIS or the newly government certified homosexual marriage unions - but not for the lovers of History. The unknown attackers of truth, always hiding their names, their emails and their hardware from the press for protection.... they have decided that only what they think is worthy and we have to wait for their daily feed. 

   But they can't hide the truth, just try to twist it to their benefit. The family, friends and the faithful in that famous church in Charleston demonstrated the way. They reached out in prayer, in strength and Christianity or just great faith in our Father for forgiveness of the murderer and his salvation. Exercising God's Love for all those less fortunate, less blest and so wrong in their actions. Like any muscle, skill or art and craft, one must exercise those things one wants to improve upon - from marksmanship to basket weaving or prayer and finding the truth, exercise more real love in your every day. Evil can't stand against it, and stupidity can't be fixed, but salvation is for everyone.

  One has to accept responsibility for one's sins, ask forgiveness and call upon the LORD. He sent His Son to show you the way, those murdered believers are in Heaven with the thief that died with Christ, and that is the truth. Say a prayer for me, and my brothers and sisters. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How do you stay at Liberty... well?

  Tradition tells us that the United States of America were founded on Liberty, and the politicians finally designed a Republic to represent the People and States in the larger world, and that the Questions of almost everything would be decided at the lowest level - the citizen.  Then the politicians decided they needed to organize and keep limited the number of successful political parties competing for power over the citizens and states that they were supposed to represent and work for...

   Money crept in there from the start, always how do we pay, not worth a Continental, and debts lots of debts to cover, interesting times lots of bad ideas, lots of immoral choices and lots of troubles in various directions. But always a theme that the nation was conceived in Liberty - that changed to Freedom around the time of the Civil War, because all men were going to be Free. Noble idea, morally a very good one, and used to promote the idea that all the people now must obey the government... where did that come in? I was sure the idea was that all free men would live in Liberty and the government would respond to them, the citizens...

  Of course, if you spend a lot of lives and money beating to death the folks that want their Liberty, for the sake of the freeing of slaves - sounds like you do know who has the power, the Federal government. Now I will always hold one truth, that freeing the slaves and ending slavery in the United States of America was a great result of the conflict. Imagine that the British Empire did it by discussion and voting long before America (do you think that shows better intelligence in Britain, or just honorable politicians?), and there were more slaves in the British colonies than in the United States.  Not so important as many truths about the flags and the cause and the evil men do... for whatever reason. Evil is evil.

   There are many people that will tell you that you must obey the police, not true, you should cooperate, but until the local police assume the care and protection of you under arrest, you don't have to obey them. There are lots of great police out there, ask them if you can help, but don't fret obeying them. They will kill you if you are a bother, or they will say they have it under control.

Lead armored vehicle flying the Confederate Battle flag
  There are some famous commentators on cable and television news, that reinforce the idea that when the government says something you must obey. Again, not true, you should cooperate or object quietly. In the end, they will kill you and tell the story their way, always... History is always written by the victor - why do you think Islam is a religion of peace - because you must submit to live.

   Now the worst part of the political parties, the huge sums of money and the various political action groups, is that no one is really doing a good job representing the people. Some strange economic ideas have slid in the mix - less government regulation and taxation means more economic activity. The government is needed to coordinate actions by the nation in defense, in justice and in sound money for commerce. They don't know anything about free markets, banking, trade, education, innovation and industry -- and few government folks can milk a cow - so how do you think they do at fleecing and milking the modern American economy? You do know the reason that we rent Russian space vehicle space - is our government program was a failure.  Which government transit system is working? which private systems are working?

  Don't worry good folks, do the very best you can, the government doesn't love nor will it save you, it needs to get out of the way.  But always try to be polite, have good manners and better language and they won't know what to do with you. You are a free person at Liberty in the most wonderful trainwreck about to happen in the world.  There is no way you nor any of the fools in government will ever pay off nor down the national, state or county debts... mainly because the people that hold those bonds and notes buy more representation than you the citizen.

   I expect we are all going to die. But the next time some one tells me that slavery was so morally wrong that we will never be forgiven for building a country with it... I will remind them that if life begins at conception (scientific fact) then all abortions are immoral.  Nope, I don't want to punish the women not smart enough to find alternatives - I really feel sad for them, really.  Living in liberty means always being responsible for what you do, and we all should work on being better folks. Have a great day!