Friday, February 7, 2020

Well, another week gone, Appleseed in Renton tomorrow...

  Don't forget folks, don't live in fear... all your worst fears will grow because you don't know the truth, or you fear what might be true, or you are too afraid to learn how you shouldn't be so. The government love fearful folks, so easy to control. And if you can, take some Anti Gun folk to a range to get over the idea that a gun makes anyone powerful and deadly. They have no idea how much gunfighters had to practice to maintain superiority... and bullets cost money. Why I swear by dry practice my marksmanship skills and then use 22 lr for perforating paper targets.

  They are going to repair my U of Maryland class ring so I can wear it again.  And today we picked out the style for the kitchen cabinets, floor and hardware. Had to drive to Seattle, for some strange reason I went but it was so stressful carrying all those ideas of liberty, guns, voting the way I want, I was sure they would ask if I minded disarming while I was in town. I have the box to send to my son for my grand or great grandsons or daughters. Of course it is one of those boxes full of stuff that will have no bearing on the world that far in the future - but it is all me and where I was when. Should I include the high school and other books? Ha, ha.

Add some more stress and I should fold up under the pressure, I keep thinking that has a lot to do with questions about me having enough insurance. Ha, ha. Be good folks, better than anything else.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Trauma... weakness piles on to increase discomfort.... it just is life at risk....

   I and my wife are a couple, of old folks with different desires and different priorities. So the first step is to keep out of each other's way, and help each other when we can. In general we had wonderful examples in our families of how to live life. For some reason my wife can't give up shoes, her shoes. They have significance I will never understand. Since she is going to be a widow, she gets to keep the shoes. I am going to empty one shelving unit, disassemble it, maybe to put it up somewhere else, maybe. But every I do bring up moving stuff she balks and wants to do something that won't work, until she thinks it through.

   My problem, almost gone now, it that I thought I had saved all the important stuff for the end of the World, or at least my world as I thought about it. With this much stuff, I need to stop worrying about it. It is not worth my trouble. Inside I want to give everything to someone for their use, beside someone making lots of money from it. I did give the history tactical gaming magazines away today. Since someone else has them, they no longer concern me. My aunt planned and worked better at it than I am, but she was a wonder. I thank the federal government for their destruction of my news addictions. I just don't care - they have been wrong before, and I expect they will be again and again.  I will make sure I have some stuff for Goodwill every day, maybe they can move it.

  Didn't work out today at the YMCA, forgot to lock my locker, forgot to have recharged my cellphone, and so I took the old Vietnamese Mister Li to coffee and we talked, about our whatevers. Well, church tonight and for me that means AWANAS. Now back to moving out before my passing over. Ha, ha... it will never get done but I will be trying.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: Packed that weekend up and I did well... but getti...

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: Packed that weekend up and I did well... but getti...:   We had Men's Village Bible Study at our home on Saturday evening, pray, study and discuss, then pray again and then eat. Who hosts has...

Packed that weekend up and I did well... but getting old, moving to elder...

  We had Men's Village Bible Study at our home on Saturday evening, pray, study and discuss, then pray again and then eat. Who hosts has three days of search for main meats, snacks, paper plates, cups of lots of stuff to clean up. The Spanaway group was once about twelve men., now around seven faithful. What mainly happened was changing the large group of twelve to make more effective local groups elsewhere. I suspect that we got older and died off, our wives had problems, and we were distracted by current events on digital distraction devices. We have a core, each member puts five dollars in the hat/cap and we send the money to The Gideon's International, which means I get unasked for mailings from their contributor lists. I got stuff moved, helped my wife find her roaster, LARGE hiding in the garage since last year. I also was called in to find the crystal water pitcher, which I had misplaced since I put it in the wrong cabinet. I was going by my height and logic, since I could see it (TOP shelf and surrounded by other crystal items). Love being a hunter finder hero of the moment. Why don't we entertain more, my wife feels competition from other women and homes, for my sake, of course. Yes, she knows I don't really care at her professional level.
   Sunday service, adult Sunday school and members stayed around or returned for the 1330 business meeting, agenda  three items, small group of conflictors trying to muscle the church their way, we are still searching for a Senior Pastor. Meeting should have taken no more than one hour and a half, it went on to three hours. I fell getting out of my pew, alarmed too many, felt like a fool pretending I am still spry and able. I am moving to other seats, since the worship areas are not designed by the no longer needed. I will lay by the pool, hoping someone will drag me in to be cured one day.  I was not hurt, I didn't fall on the two little ladies that I was working so hard to avoid bothering. Only my self image was again crushed. No more telephone booths for changing into Superman, everyone will be exposed to gravity. It is a law.


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: History and I will be parting soon,

Earl's View, focus on the front sight: History and I will be parting soon,:    My America, the one I grew up in, the one I served as my ancestors did, the one they helped build and maintain is gone. Most of their, li...

History and I will be parting soon,

   My America, the one I grew up in, the one I served as my ancestors did, the one they helped build and maintain is gone. Most of their, little people with little lives will be written away by authors, reporters and nonsense spouted as truth. There doesn't seem to be an office of disinformation, a central control for changing history, language and custom or memory. Orwell thought too highly of the clerks and administrative staffing of the Empire, thinking only that total control would mean more perfection. It doesn't. Accept the flaws and fragility of humans, the variations will allow adaptation and success in addressing issues not dreamed about. Why robots and programming codes will never feel an answer.

   I was standing on the steps of the legislative building in Olympia, (17 JAN 2020) demonstrating for my right to keep and bear arms. The legislature was inside hiding mostly, and working on more infringements to them as their answer to the money flowing in from Bloomberg's Anti-Gun organizations. All aimed at controlling the good folks of the state or the nation. He will always outspend me. I just buy another gun. Well, I don't but there are some that think we all should.  I want to add some evergreen branches and needles to outline the fine animal and the caution to government. Haven't yet. One of those things on the procrastination piles in my mind.

   I was very proud of the demonstrations in Richmond, VA, where the anti-Gun goofs are earning their money from Bloomberg and folks of good intent but lots of not smarts. When wondering why this struggle always goes on, no one is charged with treason for undermining the rules of the Constitutions. No one hangs, loses office for betraying their oath, nothing happens then they come back and try it again. Then I started realizing that most Americans have spent a lifetime of only obeying the laws that fit their purpose. They speed, they drink too young, they know how to buy alcohol after hours, how to get the drugs they want when they want. According to some, they may even cheat on their taxes (because they really don't like being so closely fleeced?)

   In my personal life, I have delivered and sold two loads of books and DVDs from my excess to Half Price Books. Had I more boxes and less desire to exercise and socialize at the YMCA I could be done already. Work in progress. Not the money I am after, will never get that cost back, I had my reading and all they stirred in my mind for as long as I can remember. Thank you, Mom for giving me the joy of great stories and history and busty lasses on Historic adventure paperbacks. Those with the swords and pistols meant fine adventures.  Anyway, I want to have my books find readers and sharers. Some go to sales, some to libraries and some to others interested. Time is getting closer for the remodeling of the home, so much stuff to get moved out or away.

Friday, January 17, 2020

So I am up before reporting to the Green in Olympia, for the Pro Gun Rights Rally, and it isn't about guns.

  It is about Liberty, for I am not marching for the right to shoot anyone, I give that up to the government. They proclaim the law about murder, assault, threats and injury. Those laws need to be there to have the State bear the burden of punishing the guilty. All seems to be based on Biblical Commandments but without God just sinners in charge.  Which means it will be flawed, but it is the expected results of too much power in the hands of too little love, understood nor practiced.

  Timing is everything, the government has gone over to the evil side, the godless side and the blind leading the blind side. No longer working. Always putting more power in the hands of people not accountable to the people, seemingly not accountable to the law even, different laws for different folks, folks that think they are above the law, love, truth or justice... all those are only words, and they don't mean what you think, and we have all been wrong before and we expect we will all be wrong again.

  I am taking my camera, and my intent to keep bearing arms in liberty and love of life. I can do no less, it is like teaching the young or the ones that don't know why it has worked for so long and seems to no longer be working well, or working for tyranny and evil so easily. I think no violence is best, I think speaking up and calmly and critically is important. Just as important as to die for others to live in Liberty and love of their LORD. The pacifists are correct, don't kill just live in the spirit.

  I have questions, mostly it is why they fear folks with guns? Why have they decided that they know why I own guns, shoot guns and feel free to carry guns - it has never been for their fears, nor the strange thoughts that have no truth in their minds, hearts or speech. We need to address their fears, I can't fix stupid, and they are living on lies I can only show them truths and hope to open their eyes, ears, hearts and minds... they project their worst upon their view of life, a very sad dark view.

The last time I marched and stood for the 2nd Amendment
  I have finished my glass of warmed milk, I have thought in my mind about the huge difference in my preparations for a demonstration and Captain Parker's and his training band. No conflict here, but the fools all seem to want one, but I did mention they are fools, didn't I?