Wednesday, January 22, 2020

History and I will be parting soon,

   My America, the one I grew up in, the one I served as my ancestors did, the one they helped build and maintain is gone. Most of their, little people with little lives will be written away by authors, reporters and nonsense spouted as truth. There doesn't seem to be an office of disinformation, a central control for changing history, language and custom or memory. Orwell thought too highly of the clerks and administrative staffing of the Empire, thinking only that total control would mean more perfection. It doesn't. Accept the flaws and fragility of humans, the variations will allow adaptation and success in addressing issues not dreamed about. Why robots and programming codes will never feel an answer.

   I was standing on the steps of the legislative building in Olympia, (17 JAN 2020) demonstrating for my right to keep and bear arms. The legislature was inside hiding mostly, and working on more infringements to them as their answer to the money flowing in from Bloomberg's Anti-Gun organizations. All aimed at controlling the good folks of the state or the nation. He will always outspend me. I just buy another gun. Well, I don't but there are some that think we all should.  I want to add some evergreen branches and needles to outline the fine animal and the caution to government. Haven't yet. One of those things on the procrastination piles in my mind.

   I was very proud of the demonstrations in Richmond, VA, where the anti-Gun goofs are earning their money from Bloomberg and folks of good intent but lots of not smarts. When wondering why this struggle always goes on, no one is charged with treason for undermining the rules of the Constitutions. No one hangs, loses office for betraying their oath, nothing happens then they come back and try it again. Then I started realizing that most Americans have spent a lifetime of only obeying the laws that fit their purpose. They speed, they drink too young, they know how to buy alcohol after hours, how to get the drugs they want when they want. According to some, they may even cheat on their taxes (because they really don't like being so closely fleeced?)

   In my personal life, I have delivered and sold two loads of books and DVDs from my excess to Half Price Books. Had I more boxes and less desire to exercise and socialize at the YMCA I could be done already. Work in progress. Not the money I am after, will never get that cost back, I had my reading and all they stirred in my mind for as long as I can remember. Thank you, Mom for giving me the joy of great stories and history and busty lasses on Historic adventure paperbacks. Those with the swords and pistols meant fine adventures.  Anyway, I want to have my books find readers and sharers. Some go to sales, some to libraries and some to others interested. Time is getting closer for the remodeling of the home, so much stuff to get moved out or away.

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