Saturday, October 6, 2012

Just goofing off...

Still having trouble with the Korean cable, too high, too near the radio towers, bleed over from stuff in the air. I am frustrated. I think about all those people everywhere that have been wearing their foil hats to protect their brains from the aliens, or government radio frequency monitoring. So I go and get a long large piece of aluminum foil and just place it between the cable connection and the tower with the bleed over. Immediately I have again a perfect picture and sound. Now I wonder if I should sheath the entire house with foil, and protect what little mind I have left.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Death by recliner and remote control...

I was once young and skinny, strong and brave - and I read everything interesting... once an.  Like most boys I grew up and into manhood. Which was defined by my father and other older men around me, teachers, uncles, preachers, neighbors and television -- and all the books I was still reading. So, I grew up to the point my father no longer used his belt on me, he would talk to me and reach me, mostly. To me I could see the early Americans growing older, experienced and feeling ready for independence and getting on with Life.

I had many great years of doing all the stuff I wanted, and my duties and family permitted and began to feel like it could never change. Again, just like my country, the United States of America.  See where I am going?
I could be wonderful and most perfect for years and years, but I was already slipping into bad habits that would need corrected, medicated and cut away. The body doesn't perform the same, the mind wanders, and one gets weaker   but you ignore a reality because everyone marvels at how much more you are doing than they... just like our country.

Then one day, you are really OLD, and can't do what was normal - just a three mile jog was impossible. How does that happen? More doctors, more medicines, more body falling apart - being a super anything is a joke. But you can be nice, and you can adjust... Just waiting for the day of your destruction.

I bought a fitness book long ago and far away. The Royal Canadian Air Force Exercise Plans for Physical Fitness, for a dollar. This edition was 1962 and it was never taxing enough for me to do more than just read it. Well, now I have decided to start on Chart 1, and go through all the Charts until I can't. I need that to build back from where my recliner and age have put me... always someone else's fault isn't it? The country needs exactly the same treatment, tough love, and take care of only the important things. No more lovely buildings for courts... no more Big Bird financed by money borrowed from China.  Get out of the recliner and back on the track, back into work and living and loving.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

So what did you notice in the dark?

That it is difficult to see without light.

In the debate I did notice that Governor Romney said the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were the documents with American ideals. Mostly, the Constitution is praised but politicians don't much pay attention to the Declaration of Independence - that whole thing about sending agents strikes them as a great idea, not something to change a government over.

Today's lesson was that the cable is running radio frequencies, certain numbers are at the limits, loose connections will pick up stuff from the towers everywhere, and compromise the cable box ability to broadcast clearly the desired programs... it is all Bush's fault.

In my preparation for the End of THE world As WE know it. Be good, do good, and speak good well. That should work with the sane. Anyone that seeks to force folks to do anything, is either their parent or a thug. Thug elimination is a duty.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

No longer a survivor... I am meat... prey... and gone

I started reading Patriots by James Wesley Rawles, and find it takes them to page 216 to finally get a pair of breeding rabbits, the pellet guns get mentions long after the rest of the arsenal is listed, most of which are high speed low drag, and the book is interesting but mostly for what it misses way too early about preparing for the end...

So today, my wife - she who must be obeyed - comes to me to complain about our cable service. Seems that her KO-AM can't stop freezing or blocking or making a mess. Getting a technician means he gets to tell me to disconnect the cables and re-attach them, which works a bit, then the problem returns and my frustration level rises to the point of my wanting to fix the whole problem, just dump the cable. In video and DVD alone I will never have to be bothered again, and have fine entertainment.

You do realize this post is about dropping out of the United State of America. Seems the people we elect, keep enriching themselves and the chosen few, and putting the country into decline and debt. If they loved us they wouldn't do it, but then they never said they loved us, did they? I feel very much as a citizen, like the cable customer that can't get any satisfaction from the cable company - although I will now be getting a service appointment, 8-10 tomorrow. For those that still think that America can pull out of the economic mess, which is not really what the Constitutions says it is supposed to do.

I am going to go eat my morning gruel, then walk a long way away from this home, where the atmosphere has been poisoned by the NEED for stupid entertainment, not having a life worthy of note.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Oktober, the eighth Roman month... Fall sprung...

Although the Halloween stuff is hanging around, the weather has been delaying the true Fall, but then as I buried the plant food for next year I noticed a couple of branches of change worth sharing, for their beauty.

I found a couple of great depressing videos on You Tube, won't link, but they are out there. Since the new World Order isn't trying to be defined or exposed - they only want to be in control. I won't attempt to frighten you in to futile resistance. I just continue to encourage your breaking free of the chains, and the fool Change, independent humans are totally expendable if you depend on slaves for your sustenance.

 Above : Fall in reds
There are many things I find worth being part of -- a loving relationship, a lot of loving relationships, organizations that do good things for the best of reasons, and expending your courage as well as your love. Those like muscle tissue only get stronger with use... not abuse.

To the right: Fall in green to yellows.

Don't forget the celebrations of November and December:

Election of 6 November, Thanksgiving that they didn't pick you for any of the thankless tasks, Christmas for knowing that real Saviors come into the world with only the angels singing and shepherds on watch. Now I know that being giving people you are going to expend your best in celebrations for those that you love and that love you... just remember it isn't only on a few days of the year you must make bankers and merchants and experts enriched by your commerce. And hugs and hand holding keeps one warm longer than some heat pad.  

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I do know that...

putting heavy draw curtains over the windows in the bedroom for Winter chill has increased the darkness, quiet and sleep depth - wonderful! No noise from the streets, lights or sounds... sleep.

I have lots of objections to teaching children about sex without morality. Having a young lady carry a fake baby around to prove it is a chore, doesn't give her the smile, warmth nor need a real baby would. One of my readers says we have to give them the sexual training so they have choices - cause they are going to have sex anyway. I could respond that we should teach them how to kill without pity, because they are going to have to one day... but then the reader would come back with some silly idea that killing was wrong or something and have no moral justification they should have used when we were discussing sex education.

The arguments go in circles, and I really don't care about that do I? It has nothing to do with my life, does it?

Humans are not animals, really, basic parts are just like most animals - but that is not a reason to pretend you can be one with the tiger and jump into its cage. Humans compose music, perform together, and as much as you may love the songs of the birds and other sounds of nature - it isn't music the way the Beatles did it. As much as you may love your pets or the animals you work with on a daily basis, they aren't human, they don't think like humans (something else not taught in schools - how to think, yaknow?) and knowing their animal behavior is much better than trying to teach them human behavior. Humans are prone to being irrational and definitely unpredictable.

I know, we should have the government pass a law and certify professional sex teachers, and issue a license when they reach a proper age. Put marks on the road, issue special licenses for higher levels of kinkiness... I can see how well that keeps drunk or drugged drivers off the road. I was immediately wondering how old the human driver less cars of Google are, since the Californian Governor has approved their running the roads. Are they armed to protect them from road rage? Will they pull over and stop for emergency vehicles? Will they render aid at an accident? Just random thoughts.

Notice I didn't go to thinking they were going to need sex education since they would be parking and making out somehow somewhere sometime.. machines aren't animals, nor are they human. And don't get me started on intelligence - all animals have some, humans like to measure it, and most people are not as intelligent as you are, but you are using yours better than most, aren't you?

Friday, September 28, 2012

New medication levels and military dreams are back...

Interesting how a little goes a long way.

But there I was, and concrete bunker complexes and inspection of machine gunners, their guns and positions and looking at their range cards. Don't you know how sexually stimulating that is? Of course you don't, no misspent youth and education to draw upon.

I watched the important shows last night on CBS, so I missed all the thousands of rapists unpunished and all their victims in uniform on NBC. That was last night, wasn't it? For those concerned, there are thousands of none raping males and lots of women in uniform that don't participate in sexual activities with others. But they are busy trying to get back home safe and sound. Funny, as I get older that 'sound' part has a whole bunch more meaning than it once did.

Well, time to get back to morning activities and plan on bringing the sewing machine back to my wife and close out September, there were a couple of movies I thought I should see today - not about war.