The arguments go in circles, and I really don't care about that do I? It has nothing to do with my life, does it?
Humans are not animals, really, basic parts are just like most animals - but that is not a reason to pretend you can be one with the tiger and jump into its cage. Humans compose music, perform together, and as much as you may love the songs of the birds and other sounds of nature - it isn't music the way the Beatles did it. As much as you may love your pets or the animals you work with on a daily basis, they aren't human, they don't think like humans (something else not taught in schools - how to think, yaknow?) and knowing their animal behavior is much better than trying to teach them human behavior. Humans are prone to being irrational and definitely unpredictable.
I know, we should have the government pass a law and certify professional sex teachers, and issue a license when they reach a proper age. Put marks on the road, issue special licenses for higher levels of kinkiness... I can see how well that keeps drunk or drugged drivers off the road. I was immediately wondering how old the human driver less cars of Google are, since the Californian Governor has approved their running the roads. Are they armed to protect them from road rage? Will they pull over and stop for emergency vehicles? Will they render aid at an accident? Just random thoughts.
Notice I didn't go to thinking they were going to need sex education since they would be parking and making out somehow somewhere sometime.. machines aren't animals, nor are they human. And don't get me started on intelligence - all animals have some, humans like to measure it, and most people are not as intelligent as you are, but you are using yours better than most, aren't you?
Yep, one that can definitely get into circular arguments over... At what point do these people refute God and believe they know better???