Went to the bank on Tuesday, felt a little old. I was in the line with all the others that seem to be grey or white hairs, wrinkled folks. Not trusting their fingers and digital distraction devices to do online banking, (aren't there enough ways to be ripped off in the world, someone has to invent more?) We were all patient and the tellers were kind and helpful, felt good not to be concerned with politics and turmoil of value. Watching too many commercials will do that to those not watching how misled the country has become.

Discussions after Sunday School, about the coming collapse when Trump loses, or the otherside wins, or whatever. I had to point out that we shouldn't change one bit, still have God, Salvation, and we know the answers that will work. I would guess that unbelievers don't understand how Christians work in the world. The Chinese Communists fear Moslems, Christians, and Liberty - all things that make the individuals and their family and loves beyond the perfect mindless well behaving workers that they depend upon for service to their ideal nation.
later Friday before another Appleseed.
Finished my liver biopsy, results next week, lots of rage and foolery on the FB feed. Find my brother has been having his first experience with cancer and doctors having to do the operation twice to get it all. But he has it out and his fingers still work, now if he will allow healing to take place at our age it isn't as quick as our imagination always wants. Instant gratification is even slowing down for more profit at Amazon.com, isn't it?
I remain convinced that Western Civilization is in decline again. There was a fine article that I read about how we couldn't do what our fathers and grandfathers did, although we have a lot of cool toys and warm or cool homes.... but as a nation we can't, the real leaders weren't made on the anvil of failure and frustration. We are looking for heroes that will save us in the two hour max time at the movies. Don't want to know who the McCoy was of the real McCoy items. Yeah, we can google it, just can't be that effective ourselves. We were schooled to be good little students, workers, consumers... and not to get out of line... Don't give up hope, just rely on God, Grace and goodness. Nothing else works. I need to prepare for tomorrow. God bless y'all.
Funny, we had that same discussion this last weekend about how little 'we' actually do, compared to our parents and grandparents. And sadly the follow on generations do even less...