I was enticed into re-looking piracy, which is a romantic idea but then it is going on today, Tom Hanks starred in a reality, that no one fell in love with the poor Somali fishermen turned big time pirates about. Closer to the reality of piracy of all ages - a gang of thugs stealing treasure, so your car jacking bands in city service station areas, are really pirates looking for quick loot, just haven't a boat to float in... Like I said it sounds romantic. Elizabethan Pyrates, hers, got knighted and rewarded in keeping a Roman Catholic King from the English shores, and led to the Dutch independence. Which would follow with several wars between the Dutch and the English until they all decided commerce was King, certainly cheaper and more profitable.

When I start to worry a bit, I do know I must find real people - they aren't on television, in my entertainment, but along my life lived in real time - the NOW. I didn't take the garbage to the street, nor did I mow the lawn today, just to cut it short in the dry moment. I am elevating the foot! All I seem to be good for, still it is healing bruising is disappearing and swelling is way down.
I do have a few good Historical books about real war with pyrates, between nations and of the past, and always lovely drawings of ships and sails - the true romance is getting all that in the water, with the wind and aweigh! Okay, a few crew and some cannons for effect and sailing on.
I believe our core values have been subsumed by the PC rhetoric and attack groups. Just sayin...
ReplyDeleteI believe our core values have been subsumed by the PC rhetoric and attack groups. Just sayin...