Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cost effective weapons... for the poor nations and the deep indebt pretending to be rich ones...

 The whole basis of the Anti-Gun Goofs, get rid of the guns and death stops immediately -- doesn't work in real life and if you are an oppressed people or group, being defenseless means trusting in the hereafter which comes sooner than it should in many cases.

Now the nuclear weapon option is the same as that favorite automatic firearm - something to make the big guys, or those you fear more than life itself, afraid of you. So the same simpletons that want to disarm the law abiding, want to control the nuclear weapons, but they don't want to go to war over it.

Nuclear weapons sound so cool, but they do cost money, you have large expenses defending them and they could become a target that would hurt your country more than your enemies if you weapons are in your own country. Kind of like storing dynamite in your kitchen pantry, not a great idea.

So, knowing how stupid nuclear weapons are, an honest assessment, I would never buy one, I think guarding them is the most boring service I have ever participated in. Still, because we have them, the Russians have them, the Chinese have them, the Indians have them, the Pakistanis have them, Britain has them, the French have them - the Swedes, Germans and Japanese could have them in about two shakes of something's tail, if they were stupid countries, which they definitely aren't... but then the United States and its allied partners were the good guys with big guns on the block. What happened to Ukraine? Well, they gave up Soviet nuclear weapons and got raped soon after, in historic terms. They were dis'd by big Gun toting Russia, once a family member. So now countries have to decide on GUNs (Big Guns) or Butter, cause the USA doesn't seem to be very strong and certain, suffering from old age. Can't remember what it came in the room to get, and got distracted, it has been a long time since it was in its prime...

I am not going to worry about who has the guns, nor the nukes. They have to use them and die, otherwise not use them and find a better way to get along in this little place called Earth. Take away the nukes or the guns, and the peoples of the earth which hardly think they are the same or equal with those others living so strangely over there... or they may just build a different kind of weapon to kill all those they fear. Fear, ah, they may never ever conquer that - the most frightened think they can buy better protection, the lowest and most humble know they have nothing to fear, nothing to lose and so little time to enjoy the beauty all around them. For sure the best laid plans of mice and men... same result.

Hope all have a beautiful life, live in love and practice the best of your humanity daily for it will keep your balance as we all go flying off the edge, following the lost into the pit.


  1. We are descending into another MAD world... Except this time there are a lot less 'controlled' people getting them...

  2. We are descending into another MAD world... Except this time there are a lot less 'controlled' people getting them...
