Thursday, August 15, 2013

Breaking free or accepting what I really am...

Yes, I purchased some reading glasses and I can really speed read again. It is good to have that fixed for my pleasure. Now I only made sure they fit my face and I could read better with them, and no other vanities were stroked in the gaining of these tools. I need to simplify more in my life, limiting calibers, tools, and such does improve my life.

I was so involved in my stories, that I didn't catch all those shows I once thought I had to have to KNOW what is going on. So, I am out of the loop.

A little light rain today, my wife went hiking for the second day of this week, and I dropped off three books and picked up four. My reserve books get me an email that only Microsoft can read, since they control my access to my email. I am sure the NSA, BAFTE, FBI, and many hackers of various note can read and collect my email. But getting blocked by Microsoft, I will thank the LORD for. Another link in the chains that bind me broken.

You didn't think things like Outlook, Hotmail, of Face book were built to make Earl a better person did you?

Shucks, my parents knew that there was little controlling me, and only nudged me in the proper direction and extracted promises of excellent behavior from me, since for some strange reason I thought I should honor my word to people that mattered. I would for all my life get into conflict and trouble for saying what I thought needed said - blunt force trauma if one isn't prepared to listen to Earl's view.

Well, I have purchased some Mountain Huckleberry ice cream, my wife loves me again, and I have two science fiction fantasy books, one story of Gettysburg and on view (philosophical) of America. Lots to read, I will allow y'all to get to it.  Summer reading program, ya'know?


  1. I would for all my life get into conflict and trouble for saying what I thought needed said - blunt force trauma if one isn't prepared to listen to Earl's view.

    Which is how it should be.

  2. Looking back, if they didn't listen, but really feared that I would say something - they lost, for the fear was foolish. I can't even remember their names, just that they did fear what I would say...

  3. I think most of us qualify as 'self directed' anyway...LOL Great time to read, and reflect!
