I went to the YMCA and worked out, kind of just starting over again, but 5K rowing machine, 2.5 miles on elliptical in thirty minutes, and six point nine eight miles on the bicycle machine. Heavy sweat, breathing fine, and hot shower and nice lunch with wife. Pay another bill, make the entries and go out to cut the grass in the temporary sunbreaks. Finish the front yard, then rake and sweep up the tailings so it looks good. Figure on saving the back yard and general yard maintenance for the rest of the week after progressively more exhausting workouts at the YMCA.
I want to look so pretty by May... or something. I cannot continue dying by recliner. The only thing I didn't do today was dry fire in preparation for Saturday shooting. There is still time. The Trusty Triumph got switched on today, and the battery looks solid, so will clear the deck and check levels and pressures and get out on the road soon...
A good day then, and more 'work' to keep your health is a good thing!