There is an election tomorrow, and I hope that every citizen takes advantage of their opportunity to chose those people and issues that they support. I feel battered and beaten by blustering pundits, telling me why the polls say this, or the polls say that - added to the commercial efforts to change my mind about their product and promises for my benefit. Tired, ready to never turn on the cable again. That would improve my mind. I am convinced that voting the way anyone else does would do nothing for my choice, if everyone runs out to beat a neighbor to death I won't be there, if a home is on fire and I can help I probably would - actually, I know I would.
I don't support drunk driving, texting while driving, I don't support smoking marijuana, I don't support marriage between anything other than a man and a woman. I also don't support more taxes for any reason.
I don't think one party is better than the other, I blame both parties for their stupidity - since I am obviously smarter than they are in their positions. I am reading about the months before President Lincoln took office, and the blame game, the hot heads and the cooler thoughtful folks. In the end four years of war, to keep the country together, the only good the end of slavery, the only good thing. It does cost a lot, in lives and property to make great decisions a reality, doesn't it?

If the economy was the only reason to pick a President, I would vote for Ron Paul (who isn't on our ballot), if it were to pick a President that would lead the politicians (the only people the President is supposed to LEAD) then I would vote for Romney, if it was to pick a President that would stir me up and feel good about golf (which I don't play) I would vote for Obama. I am sure if the government would shrink back to the size of the Constitution design - I could see great things for America. It sure wouldn't be a burden.
I am thinking of writing another blog, and just for my descendents - just sage advice for living within their capabilities, the pitfalls, the temptations not tested and never missed. I could write it and no one ever needs to read it nor know that it exists. Only a very few of the billions of humanity are reading this, it does seem to be my way of expressing thoughts and wishes, time to start fading into the fog...
Good points all Earl! And yes, voting NEEDS to be done!
ReplyDeleteNone of us need fade into the fog. Stand at the edge of the fog and keep the vigil. And vote.