I have a date to visit a Home School expo... This Friday, it will be interesting, since I am to promote Appleseed, that fine effort by the Revolutionary War Veterans Association. I am almost that old now, but should be able to answer questions and encourage others to shoot much better there. I once attempted to home school my son when we were overseas, beyond the Command Sponsorship Comforter, and ended up sending him to a Christian School. Teaching is very important, not all of us can encourage and enlighten our replacements, it might take a village. One lesson I remember from a teacher long ago, was how to crochet a rose, taught during recess. No, I never engaged in that the remainder of my life, but it gave me a much deeper appreciation for lace, and the Christmas ornaments (snowflakes!) my aunt would make and include in her Christmas card.
I am happy to write that I have been feeling much better. On the question about guns and why the Appleseed is important to me, I give you Western Rose's post.
You'll do well Earl, and we'll all be better for it!