It is not more than a perception but that was my slug, and it is my galaxy, my world and my life - temporarybut at this moment it is all mine. Given to me by God to make the very best of and use in love. Would be good of me to share it with you all, wouldn't it?
Science and medical artists tell me that when I strip away the slug, the universe and all that I wasn't born with I am no more than the DNA and organic matter arranged by its design. It was a great design, so able to do more than I had ever thought, to survive where it was tough, to give and aid other organisms. To love, to be, and I have a name. Call me Earl, know that I am William Earl Dungey and have been called, sometimes falling short of the glory of the designer and the design, but I am trying.
Often noted on my blog, there was no government goodness used in the production of the name, nor of the design - just in the artificial limits placed upon it by well meaning officials in positions of limitless power, wish they would procrastinate about a hundred years.
You are more than the sum of your parts.