Thursday, July 7, 2016

What I am thinking, as if it matters to anyone...

   I am not voting for the two major political party nominees, just won't.  First, it doesn't really matter, second, I have had it with thinking that the people supporting either party will ever out weigh the dollars contributed by special interests. And the best reason, neither of those nominees will ever love me the way Jesus did, they just aren't that caring.

  So I am thinking the FBI has told us that Secretary Hillary Clinton is not capable enough to care for herself, nor the nation. They were kind and I understand that, my mother would have done a much better job as President than Hillary, but she wasn't much more competent in a nest of snakes than Hillary will be, Hillary thinks she might be Momma Mongoose, but I don't.  She is a wife of a serial sexual fool, the mother of a daughter, who has married and born two grandchildren for her posterity.  She has many fine qualities for her dedication to making herself wonderful and making us all think she cares about us little people. She wants to control my guns and I don't think she is capable of using that kind of power correctly, neither is the California legislature, the Governor of New York and many others that pretend they are smarter and better than I in keeping my gun violence to a level of none.  I have been doing great for years and years.  Really, be nice out there, pray that Hillary and Donald's troubles go away and the nation gets a fine President, but God probably thinks we could do better as His followers than we could as the President's Men.

   Now remember that what I wrote here won't change a thing about who Hillary is, what she has done, nor is likely to change the way she is..  She is a woman, older, no longer sexy, and losing control and fearing her failure, her enemies, and people seeing her in her weakness. I understand much of that, love her anyway, but don't elect her into that steaming swamp of cess, she would not become saintly there, haven't seen anyone become a saint there.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

I seem to be misunderstood... but it is my fault...

   My son finally caught me on the telephone and we talked a bit, he wondered that I was spending three hours working out at the YMCA. When I reflected upon it later I realized I should have mentioned that a lot of that time is spent in conversation with other old men that have just a little reason to hurry on as I do. We once ran around working, playing, learning and being creative at almost top speed, and not so much anymore. But thanks for asking.

    In the spirit of resisting the domination of the English Crown I found this fine little book for my Kindle. Commando: A Boer Journal of the Boer War by Deneys Reitz.  
   Not all resistance movements, independence movements nor conquests work out the fairy tale woven by old men that should have known better. But breaking down the illusion is needed for the best approach to a problem.  You should be as positive about life as I am, this photo of one of my wife's agricultural projects sums it up well.

   Well, Independence Day weekend, church tomorrow, shooting afterwards and then rolling around without Facebook feed nor FoxNews - cause my plate is full and has only room for the ones I love, which is a whole lot of y'all and yens.  Yes, that is English from places I have been.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Found at the library...

  The White Donkey, Terminal Lance, graphic novel by Maximilian Uriarte (good work, sad story).  God's War; A New History of the Crusades by Christopher Tyerman to be followed by Holy War; How Vasco Da Gama's Epic Voyages turned the tide in a Centuries-Old Clash of Civilizations by Nigel Cliff.   That should quiet my quest for more about how we got to this point.

   I have decided to join Barack Obama in leaving off the name of the religion associated with the terrorists, ISIS and ISIL. Since there seem to be many blaming the NRA for guns and Christians for attacks on homosexuals or other groups of different than thou, I am starting to understand the pain of group mentioned for heightening fears of unknown but now blamed. The truly godless are constantly attempting to rip the soul away from the solace. If they can't have belief then no one else should either. And if media or madness can use God, NRA, Christian, Moslem or Satan to make you bend to their influence and fears - then they aren't alone in the void. Now there are at least two of you without an anchor in the storm.

   So, June is almost over, time to go out with a strong finish. Lovely internet, sent a hundred dollars recently found to the Salvation Army for West Virginia Floods 2016. Better than the Clinton fund, the Republican Party or the Democrat Party... at least my money will do good.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

So you go to Men's Bible Study for prayer and fellowship...

   And as we wait for our leader, who went back to get the hymn books, an old Special Forces guy talks about gun politics that he doesn't think belong in America. Another man says he is going to get a gun, and he wanted to know what I thought about a pistol for less than a hundred and fifty dollars, giving him my no where near expert opinion, I told him he should be willing to pay more for quality especially if he thought it would be to defend himself and his loves.  Another fellow asked how many times had he needed a firearm in the past - which drags up the whole I have a right conversation.

   I do mention that no one should do anything from fear, and tomorrow we will look at his schedule for an opportunity for us both to go shopping for his gun. The leader shows up and we go into the Bible Study and where Jesus says that having hate or unforgiveness in your heart is just like murder. Which was a great place to go with this feisty group of old men that still think they are 'guys'.

   I was able to steer the conversations towards truths, not ever mentioned on media nor by the pushy powerful pretenders on their thrones of self importance.  It was agreed that most of America doesn't need a firearm, but when they might there isn't anytime to get a gun, training or a lawyer if the shooter was wrong. It was also very true that most of these Christian men don't trust the government any farther than they can throw them... which isn't very far. Found another .32 caliber rimfire revolver, a closet keeper far from the box of ammunition which is likely as old as the piece. What we get from long ago and far away from where we are now.  My grandfather's knife, pistol and Holy Bible are not as important to me as my memory of my grandfather coming to our house with our dog and two pheasants and a shotgun under his arm, and they let me pick bird shot out of the bird in the basement. He was an American and not on anyone's list.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Making a killing, Business and politics of selling guns...

  An article in the New Yorker magazine, by Evan Osnos.  I listened to him on Fresh Aire (error?), the PBS show that is supposed to inform us that can't read... or some such thing.  I can read.

  I did like some of his points, saying that fear drives a lot of concealed carry and gun purchases -- I always tell my audience never do anything from fear, but no one listens to me much. I agree that fear does promote gun purchasing, every time Bloomberg or President Obama says something about the gun violence the public does seem to run out and get more guns and ammunition. I like to believe it is because the buyer knows that the government doesn't love them, won't be there to protect them. And then to add to the fear, the writer explains that most guns will increase the potential death by gun risk of everyone around the buyer... who is spreading fear?

  Here in the very drier West, there are forest fires and there are building fires and we fight fires, but I haven't seen the effort to get fire making devices under strict control of the government. Still arson is a crime, which will be prosecuted after the fact.

   Since my conclusions about the gun question are different than the writer's, should my words or his be censored, only one of us is correct?  But that would prohibit the freedom of the Press, and the link to the 2nd Amendment is so clear as to be funny, and ideas like ISIL and ISIS publish are killing more people in the name of a religion that seldom promotes violence any more than the Old Testament - and it is official policy to not censor the noise.

  The alarming amount of time spent by news media, entertainment media and game media spilling a lot of untruths about firearms, sex and what is cool - promote a lot of fear, and envy, and copycats.  You all need the truth and it will set you free.  Then go get your Concealed Carry Permit, get some solid training, and practice and then maybe a firearm because it can be a safe addition to your life and loves' protections.  



Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Who is telling the tale?

   There is a government in the United States of America, why there are still so many levels of government I am no longer sure. If cities in the nation can decide they don't have to obey laws from the Federal government aren't they in rebellion? No, the Democratic Party still needs the votes from them for political power...

  But there are forces, powerful ones, that want to attack me in my little part of the country. I am not alone, there are people in high places, at all levels of government and media that promote the idea that the government is the only way for us all to get along.  Have you looked around and found that government agent making your day lawful and wonderful? Oh, look there is a police vehicle over there, there is a Highway Patrol officier over there.  Not that they have a thing to say to me, I know they are looking for the local drug distributor, the local rapist and the local mad terrorist of all the various causes... aren't they?  Or at least the local home invader?

  No, the truth is that the forces of the government don't spend time looking over your shoulder to find you doing something that they fear. Doesn't stop them from trying to frighten you into compliance with their superior thought processes.  When I was sixteen a uniformed State Trooper stood in front of five hundred plus high school students and said they would be cracking down on underage purchasing of tobacco products.  Being a teenage boy, I went out and purchased my first two packs of cigarettes, Marlboro, of course. I am sure I have done other things based on the idea that they couldn't tell me what to do, especially if they were fools and had no idea of how much smarter I was than they.  I quit smoking eight years later, on my own and for my own reasons.  I do like to say I didn't smoke nor drink for years and years because I didn't like the taxes they levied on the products.

  So we come to the gun control debate - on my side there is no debate - the laws against murder, assault and mayhem are all the government needs. I may need a gun to defend myself against the forces of evil, wherever they come from, but for sure I will not fight for my guns when stupidity is running loose, or amok (I love that word). Anyone that thinks a law that restricts guns is a wonderful idea is stupid, and those that suffer the government to control the guns will end up like the Native Americans, killed without mercy and nor apology. And when you are defeated, stuck on a reservation with very little prospect since it is the government that will be caring for you, since you aren't really to be trusted with your own life pursuits... how successful is that program working Washington, DC?
Tamara Keel and real gun control

   Over and over recently I have heard the largest mass shooting in American History when talking about the Orlando night club attack. But it isn't, the Wounded Knee event was bigger.  No one studies History anymore, but the pro gun goofs will constantly point out that governments kill more citizens than any terrorist organization, always.  And for the same reason, to frighten you into compliance, the British Empire tried to kill enough Indians to stop independence and they couldn't.

   I am delightfully old, but so much wiser than those poor stupid people sitting there in the House, pouting because there is no gun control. I looked at Tam's target for today, all her rounds were on target she has that gun under the only meaningful control she and Indiana need.  Which is what Liberty is all about, individual responsibility and self control. Remember it isn't the law abiding citizens that are the problem with guns, never have been. If we tied the ability to keep and bear arms in the well regulated militia to the right to vote (which is not in the Constitution) the anti-gun Democrats would fold.  They need as many stupid people voting as possible, even the dead ones, and the pro-gun goofs also don't want stupid people doing stupid things around them, muzzle sweeps as well as failure to properly clear the firearm on the range and vote for stupid representatives in office.

  Me, I don't think the government will ever love me, so I will remain an observer. Good night out there, make everyone of your shots count, if they aren't where you called them, they don't count.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day, I do hope you are carrying...

   I am off to church, and I am carrying.... my Bible, love in my heart and my love in my vehicle, love for those long gone before I could love them as much as they loved me, love for those just becoming wonderful in their innocence and discovery. Love for the great good folks everywhere doing likewise, carrying their best and blest forward into the world to make it better.

  oh, I might be carrying a pistol with ammunition, but I do trust in the LORD more than my self, I have fallen short before and would not like to disappoint again. But working on my humble and kind, I am not ashamed to ask for forgiveness if I do, nor to boast if it all works better than I expected, go gently into our day and use only the kindest of touches.