Sunday, October 4, 2015

I have been given permission... so...

Tamara Keel Oh, feel free.
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 So I think everyone that really wants to know about "guns" please Google 'Tamara Keel' and find out what she is writing and speaking about which is usually about guns, although you may find cameras and Indianapolis and Tennessee among her notice.  She knows, she cares, and you may feel so much more  expert if quoting what she has shared, what she doesn't share may be totally scary.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Time for the meek to inherit the Earth...

  Meek = showing patience and humility; gentle   and that describes a paratrooper from Charlie Cobras long ago and far away...  Cause when it was time to fight, they would do so...  all boys should be brought up better, with the certain knowledge and playground experiences that say they are to fight and protect the weak and innocent. To include shooting Afghan child rapists, but it isn't about a failed nation state as much as a failed cultural norm - 'violence never solves anything'.  That wasn't true when my mother said it, and she knew it but had to give me better examples of a better way.

   I don't have guns because I have a desire to shoot anyone, that is irrational and stupid and I don't have to be either.  I don't want, desire nor expect to ever shoot anyone, I work hard to avoid it. Firearms are dangerous, but so much of the world is dangerous so I have to learn how to control - ME.  When I pick up a firearm, I must make sure it doesn't overcome my reluctance to point it in a dangerous direction and pull the trigger. If I am really picking it up, I first make sure which way it is dangerous, make sure it is on safe and unloaded.... then I can decide what to do next with it. It takes a real man to resist that urge that Hollywood gives every red blooded boy to shoot their eyes out, to take up the blade and slash and stab until blood is covering everything... right? Oh, I am supposed to know the difference between myth, fantasy and foolish idiots?  I mean, really all my girl friends and romantic lady friends have all looked just like... themselves and are cherished because they don't live like Pretty Woman characters with golden hearts and sloppy morals?

   Let me be perfectly clear, I blame the Western Culture and Civilized world for the foolish politically correct and almost Christian view of living in love and harmony. Jesus wants us to be our best in this life for the next.  You should want everyone to be their best in this life, not because of fear, not because of weakness, not because they must or the government or mob will kill them or condemn them to being outcasts. You should want them to be wonderful people so we will all live a great rewarding life here on Earth.  And sometime, in dangerous times when people are getting killed, the men need to know they are to stand up and attack and slay with effect.  They need to stop when the danger is done - then God and the government can come along and investigate, repair, restore and award points for form or take them away for folly and foolishness.

Meek = showing patience and humility; gentle   It is time for boys to be boys, and the meek to inherit the Earth.  Ladies, teach your children well, you do need to produce gentlemen and warriors and heroes.  And those that say that I mean to decrease the importance of women and their role, haven't a clue and should visit the library much more. Ladies can and may fight just as hard or harder, but I hold them responsible for the most important part of the killing time, turning it off when the danger has passed.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

So what would a disarmed American population look like?

  There are lots of wonderful gun free citizens in the world, and they have tanks next door going through walls, machine guns firing tracers in the night, artillery and mortar rounds landing on school yards, and the constant fears that not only can't you trust your government's goodness, but how deep must that hole be to protect your family and how far can you run with food and water to make it to the refugee camp... think about it.  Countries that fall apart, normally have very sane and safe firearms laws to protect the citizens - and the heavy handed politicians making power a principle.

   So today, another shooting in a community college in Oregon. Too many dead, and of course the murderer. A twenty year old unidentified (conspiracy nuts say that means the shooter was a TERRORIST OF SOME FOREIGN ethnic persuasion) male. The police responders did a fine job of neutralizing the murderer.  The murderer didn't want to obey the anti-murder laws, which are not a right of a person to attack other people.  Maybe the Bill of Rights should have said that the right of one man to kill another couldn't be infringed upon.  Then we could be having a discussion about changing that right.

  But most people don't believe in a right to attack other people, although it is in the Koran or is that Quran? Not an English word and I don't read Persian nor Arabic.  And I want to follow the Holy Bible, so none of that should matter.  And I expect to again, this coming weekend be at a place where a large amount of rounds will be fired safely and on target and no one will be hurt, unless they were too proud and too unpracticed and unskilled, that should only be feelings.  So all of Mayor Bloomberg's money and good intentions done wrong upon the unknowing public and President Obama's skillful deciding that good gun laws mean less violence (completely ignoring the Cook County body counts for wrongful gun deaths) will not be as effective as people establishing safety rules, a Course of Instruction, safe places to shoot. Or maybe it is just Earl, and if they fly me everywhere real quick I can prevent any more gun deaths... but that isn't really what I think.

   I think to be fair and balanced the news has to start reporting all the rounds fired, the targets hit and the enjoyment or troubling of the shooters.  No pictures, no breaking news, no media feeding frenzy - if it bleeds it leads.  President Obama says he is upset about how often in a country of over 310 million people that has a recorded fifty-nine million abortions performed for the business success of a non profit but highly profitable enterprise.  All lives matter, really and the police won't be there when a woman is getting pregnant, and won't be there soon enough when a crazy person is shooting other people.  That is a truth.  I don't have guns and a desire to shoot a human being, a rational person doesn't desire the death of others for gratification.  But, I may one day see a need to shoot someone.  Have before and could see it happening again, not likely because I don't go into gun free zones wearing Zombie t-shirts.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Almost the end of September and there is still rum and whiskey in the cabinet...

  You had no idea that two of the cabinet were code named Rum and Whiskey, did you?  Nah, speaking to my inability to finish what I started... haven't missed too much alcohol in my life, all those dry years I remember so very well.  The session at the YMCA took me to new levels of performance for 'that older gent' (my official new title replacing 'hey, old timer')

   Millions upon  millions, when we look back in History, slavery is completely not understood. Although there is real slavery still in backward countries, in the modern civilized nations there no longer is the same creature. There are legal entanglements and contracts and such, but there is much more freedom for those that don't count and they don't have to make bricks without straw because of the change.  I watched the movie Philomena last night, good movie and not my normal fare.  Still gives me thoughts to mull over.  Today, the Democratic Party, the party of slavery, is still taking an immoral stand, a legal but immoral stand on Planned Parenthood and abortion.  I am, still, a fellow very against others deciding my life, my culture, my contribution to the sins of humanity and the world.  Figuring my own stupidity, and Satan will likely do plenty without the cohorts of evil doers in positions of pretense of importance... The control freaks remain the weakness in most government systems, one very competent person can't do it all, and as soon as you add normal humans, you have lost the power of being really competent.

Monday, September 28, 2015

So Blood Moon, full moon and cleaar skies and I still like the North Star...

  Easier to find right in front of my front porch on a clear night.  Still have to admit, no matter how many cable feeds were covering the Pope's visit to America, gushing with their love of celebrities and dislike of religion and gods that frown upon their lusts and lavishness... I hope more people went out to view the moon. My wife talking to her sister in Korea on the mobile phone, took it and the conversation outside to view, then tried walking up the street to get closer to the Moon????? yeah, like that will work.  Tim Durkan took the picture for those not able to get away from the football game, most of Seattle had watched the Seahawks wake up for the second half. I wonder how many other photographers were working on Mount Rainier and other special locations to get the best shot of the event?  My wife was talking to her sister, because she can, and because it is Chuseok, the three day harvest festival thanksgiving in Korea.  Do wish they would decide which letters to use for which Korean symbols, and have some special sweet rice cakes, and get out the new traditional garb on television.

  I am wearing two daggers today and carrying concealed and realize only the medal detectors will get me, since it is a non-traditional carry position, but I have walked, sat, jumped in and moved Cadillac and my wife's car has so many less miles than my Caravan... so many less, anyway they are secure until they are needed.  So happy.  My wife is off to climb the hills with her hiking team and I am visiting the Service department and going to the YMCA.  Spend money like it isn't real, preparing for my selection as the write in candidate for 2016 Presidential Campaign.

Well, the Sun has finally crested the mountains and the big trees to the Southeast, time to get a move on.  Oh, stop, President Obama is addressing the United Nations and the new folks are already telling us what is important in his speech. He does wear that suit well, tie is tied so neatly, and he has grayed well as President. Should have sold tickets.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Beautiful Day in the neighborhood, but I was feeling worse as the morning moved along...

    So I crashed with a couple of wife recommended pills and slept the problem away... or so I tell myself. The house looks wonderful, but remember one of the nice things about getting older eyes is missing the dust layering the stuff that just doesn't move much anymore.

   I got my rifles cleaned and oiled by a one time professional, as a soldier and a Drill Sergeant I invented tools to clean carbon from M16, by flattening wire coat hanger lengths, now I see the Chinese are making them to sell to the Americans. Amazing how fast good ideas spread.  Took some Facebook pictures to make folks wonder what I am up to... nothing, just taking Facebook pictures to make folks wonder...

  I even during the clean up and storage and reorganization (like it was ever organized?) I put a bed spread on my day bed for my watching movies to sleep through..

  Did get my Caravan checked for emissions, failed three things, but the government would grant me a waiver for a hundred and fifty dollars, haven't they heard about global warming, carbon monoxide poisoning and other things?

  Big doings here, the Men's Bible study is at our home, days worth of cooking plus some of the ladies will bring more to share. This conflicts with the Church's Mission show tonight, but then we are having a consolidated service tomorrow, so I think we will get all caught up.

  The government has decided I don't know when I am well off and won't give me the winning numbers for tonight's drawing - a repeat of last nights results.  It never matters, they haven't figured out how to use all the money they have been winning for years now. But they get a bit nervous when not enough people play... like the professional politicians get nervous with the people thinking that amateurs could become President.  Just remember William Earl Dungey next November - write it in.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to do the final Appleseed of my 21st Century... as Shoot Boss....

  So easy, sign up and go. 

  Just up 405 to Mukilteo and catch the ferry in the darkness and then drive to the range and await Tracey to open the gate.  Had twenty, three canceled and two were No Shows, so we had fifteen shooters, only one left hander, many ARs and center fired noise.  Looked like eight had been on an Appleseed with me before.

  And it went well, right on schedule, good pace, and the weather was better than it could have been. Lots better. My only rain problem was during the final Red Coat target and clean up time, since I couldn't find an underwater writing pen to record the results. And my clip board with notes was packed away with the range host family and they were going to Canada to hunt moose and wolves. The Canadians are promoting hunter safari adventures. If they just bring back the wooly Mammoth and Rhino...

  About 240 rounds on first day, and three hundred rounds on second day. So many opportunities to put a Rifleman score (210) together, one repeat 217, and one new Rifleman 211 on the first AQT of the second day.  The shooters often try to fix more than one problem at a time, which seems like it should work, but doesn't. Too many things to think about and most of the shooting becomes irregular from target to target, from AQT to AQT.  Need lots of dry practice to get repeatable results.

  Tried something new for the peppermint drill.  A sighting Square target was posted with one peppermint one the center square, then the target was engaged, upper left two rounds, upper right two rounds, then lower left two rounds and then lower right two rounds, then the final two rounds on the peppermint square. If you burst your peppermint with the first round you could wait until everyone was finished and then shoot a remaining peppermint on another target. That was a fun one, and everyone could see the importance of Natural Point of Aim, and repeatable shots.  The first day Red Coat target had seven of fifteen shooters getting the head shot, and the second day we started my doing the 'cold bore' one shot on the shingle to see how many were still on target after a night's sleep.

   I gave out most of the remaining tee-shirts, about three per shooter, I got William to come out from his chair and help pass out targets and take a Blue Cap as a volunteer admin for the RWVA... his father was one of the Instructors in Training (IIT) and passed his progress check for IIT2.  All the paperwork has been submitted, and the electronic reports posted and working as seamlessly as we were once told they would.

   Several of the shooters had built their ARs from parts? One was having extraction problems and a feed problem, and his firing pin was piercing the rounds. The feed problem was a lateral split case leaving about an inch in the chamber, which accepted a second round to the point of jamming it all up and open bolt - the Leatherman came out and was used. One extraction didn't work, with the rim broken off by the first attempt. Wolf ammunition from Taiwan, who knew? But then I still don't know.

   After driving off the ferry and going home to unpack on day two, I find an email telling me I had posted my After Action Report in the AAR area of the general forum, and that my Course of Instruction hadn't been limited to viewing only by instructors. Which I knew when I did both, and I had been advised by one of my instructors at the Appleseed.  I also had an email from the accounting department telling me for the second time that I hadn't submitted my form for the Custer, Washington shoot in June? So I made my third form out for that shoot, and my first form from the Reimbursement for this Appleseed. I never ask for money back for fuel, food or lodging (I sleep in my Caravan often - should I bill myself?) but I always report zero dollars expended to be recovered, for the IRS folks as they watch over 501 C3 groups.

   I have three of the shooters responding to the AAR and posting their comments, my and one instructor posting, and I did the Internal AAR without all the Red Coat numbers, but the one instructor took the split round picture and posted it on that IAAR, which is what the forum is designed to do, to share the experiences.  So this is my blog, this is Thursday morning early, and only a little repacking of Appleseed materials and equipment cleaning remains and that will be the last time. I am back to visiting the YMCA and talking with old men about the good old days. When I could do it all.  I forgot to give the 'load' command and was about to call the line 'All ready on the firing line...' that just wouldn't work.  Time for youngsters to step up.