Monday, December 30, 2013

Restless night, and striking too close to home...

1:35 AM, and I am awake, not coughing dried out and going for a cup of coffee. My wife has girl K-Pop groups dancing and singing on the television. Better than infommercials by a bunch. She is sleeping  in the family room because I am restless and coughing periodically, likely because I don't know how to turn the cough off, there seems to be no mucus.

My wife found strange cars at the street entrance and behind my Caravan on our drive when she returned home yesterday evening she drove off and reported it to the old homeowners President, who had suffered two home break-ins this holiday season. No one has been caught, but the story on the street is that the folks renting the home two houses East of ours are the ones responsible. Warned now I can expect that today or tomorrow they will be moving out and on. Also that they might come back in January to strike some likely homes again. Leases normally end with the month and the year, even the ones supported by the State housing for poor folks.

Well, I have some Credit Unioning to do tomorrow, depositing rolled coins checking account balances. This is the end of the year and it has been a good one, not great but better than I need, but employment is a higher priority than wildly spending the future. Since Blogger keeps telling me I am logged on from somewhere else, the Chinese or former communist computer hackers might have my stuff. Oh, my!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wounded Knee to be remembered, today...

I am still wandering the American Revolution as I try to recover my health, and both are slowly getting to a better state. I was reminded that Wounded Knee was today. Long ago, but a government that had parts that didn't care for all the people, since it still defines people as us and them. If you really think, that however the media is reporting what the two major political parties are doing is just, effective and necessary - then you are part of the same problem - George the Third or the Indian Department. Government is not a moral institution, it is an institution.

I wandered and found a blog post about a Libertarian that had to join the Democratic Party because the Libertarians were all clowns or nuts, I figured out quickly that he wasn't afraid of being a clown or a nut, he did join another political party, but he didn't want to feel like he was hurting the helpless... the idea that everyman should be free to be whatever clown or nut they want to be is true libertarian, not a political party, wasn't on his menu. Free to succeed or fail, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Wright Brothers... no better examples of why governments can't control outcomes and shouldn't try.

One blog post wrote about instead of goals work on systems. Duh, you still want to make the shot perfect, but you actually work on the system to make that happen. I understood it immediately, that is how I do my Mathematics, I want an answer so I build a system to find it, I invent algebra once or twice a month to figure out the correct solution for a problem, when I worked in gunnery I memorized the systems, but when I got away from it, I built systems to find the solution, more time to do so.

The reason most people succeed or fail is that they tried and succeeded or didn't. The reason more people don't grow up nor old is they aren't trying, no growth without stimulation, mentally, physically or spiritually. Keep on trying, you haven't made that perfect shot yet, or if you have you may not own it, but you can.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Okay, I think it is time to join the continuing Revolution!

I am, and of course you are, although we may not both be the same (you are unique, and I am special) but I am accepting my responsibility to be part of the revolution. I am so tired of fighting the forces of evil, of corruption, of status quo, keeping it the same... so tired. Change like time is a constant, maybe nothing major but this not only isn't the best of my time on earth, I could make it even better. I don't think everyone understands that. I know that you do, but those others? There are people in positions of power, that keep you stuck in your rut, make sure they never fix the pot hole that is tearing your automobile up, make sure you must have something to feel accepted and one with everyone else. Bad people.

So, I don't need a King, a President, or a Captain to command my ship... I really don't. All the rules and wisdom I need to study has been written. Really, it isn't going to change that much. There hasn't been any human evolution since about fifty thousand years ago, and technical improvements and breeding and education haven't changed the human beings at all. Once medicine is developed with the ability to prevent deaths for certain illness, there will be deaths due to unknown illness, until we find the reason and a cure or preventative. In the end, we all die right here, or where we are at the moment of expiration - which we cannot predict unless we cause it.

I am going to work on those things that work in my life and I will assist those that want or need my help when asked if I have the ability or will or call to do so. Otherwise, I am getting off this train of current culture, lack of values, lack of morals, lack of faith (don't believe in God nor your fellow Men?) and for sure with the little time I have remaining I think I need to get off of the entertainment addiction to fill all the blank spots in my life. Like a telephone, internet or radio background noise - where did the need for constant stimulation come from? People once had lives, places to be, people to meet, people to love, adventures every time they left the cave - now they drive out of the garage and on down the road to where 'everyone knows', 'everyone says' and 'everyone does'. Boring.

Look at me. I will not be ruled.  I am in no state to be governed.  I will be represented by people the voters in my community elect.  I know they could be bought by special interest groups, be polished to look so much better than they really are, I know they will make sure they get paid every day they represent me - no matter how badly they do their job.  But they are only my representative, for what ever office they were elected to, and they will give more loyalty to the political party than to me the voter and citizen - because they aren't as smart as I am. And all the others in government service - are only civil servants, they should know that they should be proud of that, they are filling a function and a need. But they are only servants. They aren't going to make railroads run, they may stop them, they may fail to inspect something properly and cause a problem, but they don't start businesses - they normally stifle progress and profit, constantly slowing what they can control down... government would only release power by not regulating, restricting, or restructuring. And what we need to be in rebellion about is government bothering us constantly. The revolution can only be won when everyone gets older wiser and more responsible for their actions as part of the community - the world community.

I am only Earl, and the government won't worry about me, because my acts of rebellion and revolution are not going to affect it - there are too many people not joining me, or those others that are following a different path, a different drummer, a better way. As long as it seems I am getting along with the crowd, they won't notice that I am not smoking, drinking, chasing wild women (anyone this old likes the ladies to have better sense), I spent years in Europe. Asia and Americas, not drinking and still being politely social. If they think you are one way, they don't look to see you aren't, smile folks, especially if you are carrying a gun. Everyone knows that people with....  You will get what you expect or a gentle reminder that some of us aren't as smart as you and your friends are.  Have a wonderful life, beginning with today, for tomorrow will be an adventure.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I want to be feeling well on Christmas Day...

So I am hiding from the weather and resting one more day. Still I have to read about George Washington's War,  and listen to jazz.. There are many out there really sick, they need care and visits, there are lonely and alone out there and they need a nudge or at least a friendly wave from afar if they are real hermits.

I get home made soups, honeyed tea, coffee, and naps. It will work out, there are cookies cooling in the kitchen their smell doesn't save them from this cookie monster.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Putting me in a box again...

Really, I often wonder what causes others to think in certain ways about me, what I look like, what I have written, read or said.  What changes me from Earl to: one of the beings in a box.

Veteran - I belong in that box
Combat Veteran - I belong in that box (although like most combat veterans I was more target than threat)
Disabled Veteran - yes, but I don't really feel disabled as much as dislocated and unloved....
College Education - yes, but that only means I attended and graduated, not sure it means as much to you as
    it did to my mother and I.
Paratrooper - yep, do it again as soon as you get an aircraft and a working chute for me...

Boxes I no longer want to be in:

White Non-Hispanic, although my mother grew up speaking Spanish and living in South America, she wasn't Hispanic    Too limiting a label.  But I have to accept it to properly fill out government forms for firearms?

Middle Class, Blue Color, Enlisted, Retired ( Re-tired  I had to get tired twice?) Unemployed

Christian, Methodist, Baptist.

Who am I? Son of Donald and Melba, husband of Kum Cha, father of Gideon. I am William Earl Dungey, and if you are from the government you can call me by my SSN, because you want it from me wherever I go. Boxes are so confining, and the universe has no visible edges nor boundaries... that like the boxes you only created in your mind.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Let me tell you everything that I know about homosexuality and the Duck Dynasty

Remember? God is dead! Remember that from the enlightend years of silly youth?

I do, I never found God dead, but those thinking so were sure they were now in charge.

I only mention that as an illustration of people making quick judgements and living on their words. Because, until today it wasn't official blogging is dead. Yep, Breda had been saying it was dead or dying for a bit, she packed up her blog and moved on. She is still at the reference desk in Ohio, in the snow, wishing she could carry in the library. I watch her on Facebook. It becomes official today that Nieman has written in a blog post, that the blog is dead.The blog is dead, long live the blog  

He might be correct, how did you get here... take a wrong turn up ahead, into the Twilight Zone? Of course there are many things that really are dead, the library can be carried in your device, your paper books, the publishing industry, newspapers, romance, truth, sex drive and thoughts communicated by face to face contact.

I know how I got here, my mother made me.  She said I had to produce a weekly letter to tell her what I was doing and stay in touch. It was once called correspondence, and my South American grandparents had a whole sequence of write, edit, re-write and review then post to the family far away. A weekly letter. For years we kept the USPS in the black, sending letters. Then the digital age, the computers arrived and email at work could become email to Mom. And since my life was so interesting, I would send that long, lonesome letter to everyone that must care something about me... you do know that everything is all about me? Yeah, that was dumb, everyone is too busy to read long boring prose about me. For the truth is that they are more interesting than I, and they all knew it. Email deletes so quickly.

Don't know the woman that read one of my long missives, but she sent me a note (an e-note) that I should blog. Wanting to make everyone happy, I started blogging. But I haven't changed my focus, it is still all about me, it is still long and mostly boring. But that does help me get some relief from having to think, just write and pretend it happened. There is more satisfaction in dreaming while resting.

My blogging will cease when I do, when Google decides to charge me for the service, when they turn out the lights and power up on global warming.... or some such. But then it could happen, no one shoots firearms anymore, not one politician has any reason... and that shows.