Saturday, July 21, 2012

Where are the bodies buried?

Every so often, I step off the treadmill and pause. Looking around and wondering how I got there. Seems that I have been looking deeper and finding more failures.

How do you decide that was a fail? Remembering circling an island in Panama a couple times before I realized I wasn't going straight - there were others hoping I knew where I was - I was only close. It must have turned out right, I am no longer in Panama. Lovely jungles.

All of us have stories, things happen, but we are so lucky that we aren't mobbed by television reporters asking how it feels to be shot at and hit. Did you think you were going to die? No, the question I always had was 'Lord, what am I doing here?' especially since I had chosen that profession.

I owe three Airborne berets and one set of Mickey Mouse boots and that is only the tip of an iceberg of things that I didn't do the way it was supposed to be done. People trusted me, and it was a fail. Don't want to pick at the wounds, but they do make me less than what the Lord intended,  Lay down my burden, down by the riverside...

Friday, July 20, 2012

So why do you carry your gun to a movie?

Same bad things happen there as outside the clubs in Seattle.

I guess I am not going to the new Batman movie.

Questions are being asked, and all will be answered - one day. If you have prayed you may have the answer sooner than those watching the Special West Coast edition of Good Morning America. A suicide bomber would have killed many more, but no death is good.

I am interested in the reactions of the media, lust for exciting content. The President speaks - he did get to the horror and the importance of family, and love. The light chatter on the internet: are you carrying a flash light to help you find the shooter?

First, you are involved in an attack - trained personnel attack back immediately and vigorously... if they recognize the threat. That leaves 99% waiting for someone to help.

You aren't trained, but finally realize this is real - get down and out of sight out of harms way.

Think clearly (please this is important) Panic will only work if you can flee faster than the predator can catch you, won't work with a pack of wolves or pride of lions.

IF YOU WERE CLOSE TO THE SHOOTER GO PILE ON THE SHOOTER. I expect this will not happen much, we are watchers now. Some one will take out their cellphone and start streaming video to their friends (I only imagine that could be where all those clips come from). When I was young and someone started trouble, you had to jump on him quick to change his focus (on his pain hopefully) but now we are told that violence is bad.

After the shooting stopped and the lights came on, people helped.
As they should and do best. Trying to restore order in their lives. I like that, people helping and taking the dying and wounded to the hospitals. Best effort to a good end.

There will be calls for this and that, from all over and worry about how we can get it to stop. It is too much like tornadoes missing one town, and destroying another. No matter what the talking heads and all the experts in every point of view... pray for all the lost souls, reach out and help and assist and get right with God.

There were Police with firearms there, they were ready for crowd control and maybe some fool gang bangers posing after the movie. They were not thinking combat zone. When they saw the shooter, they did what they were trained to do, apprehend and gather evidence, and crowd control.

For those carrying concealed. It was dark, smoke, people in panic, if you were there what could you have done? Carrying raises the level of your responsibility, carrying at all means you could take appropriate action. And in the end, the lawyers smell blood in the water, are they going to do class action suit against Midnight Movies?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Time to read Job, an annual mission of self and God...

Thank you very much for your attention.

But remember best friends, young men, and even self haven't got the answers, or the TRUTH!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Don't you love moments of clarity? The lights go on...

I don't want to jinx myself, but I have been starting to feel normal, must be because I am adjusting to OLD, or it just takes a little longer to get better from terminal illness called life. But thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers.

I have been spending way too much time on the computer and watching mindless television, watch enough and you are guaranteed the mindless. I mind less than I ever have in my life. Luckily my wife just thinks my hearing is gone a little farther away. She often forgives me, all my known faults.

I have mentioned before, Facebook, and the game CastleVille, the Government and why things don't work... or I think I have. But as I found myself discovering in the darkness of Gloom a new shadow, and there has been some foreshadowing of the new quest/adventure/efforts of the game designers to suck me into the impossible and their goal of making money from my participations.

They do offer the game free! They allow you cheap exploration to suck you into straying from your mission of cleaning up the other three areas of roots, slime, or rocks -- at the same time you are adventuring to re-float a pirate ship on an exotic island. That is a lot of stuff, and for some crowns (which you can pay real dollars for) you can cut corners and get on to the next big thing.

Well, I decided that time I have, so I opened up the block and found a giant. All I have to do is make his life feel worthy, so a magical birthday party is just the ticket. Which means diversions from the stock piling and creation of the weapons needed to destroy the bad guys and gals and GLOOM. Which are not really EVIL characters, they just love the Dark.

Since I was faintly listening to the news that Mitt Romney is a man that lies and could be a felon... the light came on. The game is the politics of our government. Free to play, lots of quests and adventures and 'feel good' moments and surges of fervor uniting the masses of mindless. EXACTLY. THE. SAME.

The rules of the game have never been read by me, I have read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, but the little sets of rules in business and work, the piles of regulations designed by the government and game designers are to be ignored, they only slow me down and divert my attention and energy from my objectives. Both the politicians and the game designers don't worry about my goals - they know if I had a life I wouldn't be paying attention to them. Kind of why the general information of not being cruel in your killing in combat, make sure that non-combatants aren't taken out of season -- is ignored in legal terminology, understand not wasting rounds on that that isn't threatening me or my operation. Sadly, the same self-centered thoughts mean I don't cuddle save nor comfort those that don't add to my immediate combat op. That can come after I win the battle and am cleaning up. AFTER.

The politicians in our (?) government, and the game designers will completely not miss my participation in their puzzle places, real or virtual. They are already sure they know and are the experts.... and the government keeps sinking into debt, more regulation and the game keeps having fewer players, fewer playing longer because of frustrating wading in muck and murk. The politicians and game designers believe that they will be in control and successful as they wear out the players patience. Have you had enough yet? They only want your money, participation, and if it all falls apart you can't blame them, because they were trying.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So old, just don't pay attention to the old guy in the...


Personal opinion, he should get a more deadly pistol, or not. He was the only person willing to attack while waiting for the law to take charge. Nice to know they don't think his actions were racially motivated. Nor has anyone covered this story as "suicide by gray haired concealed carry nuts" or "how to go out with several bangs". Decided lack of Main Stream Media frenzy. Thank him for his service, both perps were wounded and will live to become choir boys or Republicans.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Just a note...

Dreams of returning to fight again in Vietnam, where did that come from? Wet a bit outside, luckily the grass was trimmed neatly by Saturday. Great day in worship and socializing at church, two lively smiling young lasses made me donate to the youth trip to the Grand Canyon, ice cream and big smiles do that to me. Spent a fine quiet evening with my kindle and romantic errant knights and foolish young temptresses... so out of culture. English lady writing it.

In the what if category. Being very tired of lies of politicians and their henchmen, I have mostly stopped paying attention. I have my picture from President Obama, and now from Governor Romney. The governor is in color! and spiffy dressing down in front of weathered building with American Flag, can't see his gun nor his target from the range. Neither of them is looking me in the eyes. If I were voting on pictures, the Governor would have mine. But the stray thought, is maybe the Governor Romney run for office is a feint, that at the Convention everyone will select another candidate and the Democrats will still be asking for the tax returns of the wrong fellow.

Have any of you looked into opening an account in a Swiss Bank? Maybe that is a project whose time has come. It can't be that difficult, could it? Better than packing out to go fight again in Vietnam. Start that week!

Friday, July 13, 2012

A job for a former Secretary of State...

The News having little of importance to cover will consider anything news worthy. A Senator from Florida and a former Secretary of State have both said they are not seeking the Vice Presidential position on Governor Romney's Republican ticket. What is most not worthy of being covered nor speculated upon by the Main Stream Media is that two very qualified people would not seek to be in that position. That is only a Heartbeat away from becoming President. It is the position of President of the Senate and used to break ties in that body (not often but importantly).

I also guess that one of the reasons that the press doesn't cover that, is that the press doesn't think elected offices are of more use to it than the behavior of Actors, singers, and sports heroes in selling ad time. They have exactly the same weight. If boring life were television worthy, there would be more of it on television. No, the media is in selling products, and selling producers and sellers ad time. Rush Limbaugh seemed humbled by being asked to front for the Republicans under Bush the elder against Clinton (the last?) because he knew what he did had nothing to do with making the country stronger, smarter or more humane. What he did was stimulate discussion not covered by Main Stream Media, allowing the conservatives an opportunity to expound and vent and show they weren't stupid. But he did it so he could sell airtime for products that would make him money. Overseas, the Armed Forces finally broadcast an hour of Rush Limbaugh's show, one of three. I would have rather have had straight Blues, or Jazz without words but I wasn't in charge. I -stopped listening at all to Rush Limbaugh when I found him outraged and ignorant of the truth during the invasion of Haiti, or was that a kind of rescue mission? No matter, he had fallen for a poor First Sergeant's complaint about not having enough ammunition for the jump into possible combat. It was not true.

I would rather on several levels have either the Senator Rubio, or the Secretary of State Rice as Presidential candidate than either Governor Romney or President Obama - but like what I wanted to listen to on the radio - I am not in charge. I think both of them would serve if Governor Romney sincerely requested their participation for that ticket. They both are still stirring up the support for the party. I lean just a little bit more towards the former Secretary, she is honest enough to say she is a little pro Choice.  A true politician wouldn't take that position. I, myself, am for a woman's choice (to have sexual relations) - until she gets pregnant, then I think the unborn child should be protected until age eighteen when the mother and the doctor can go into an alley with the now grown child and fight it out to see which one has God on their side. It would only be fair. Abortion is five steps deeper into personal Hell than any woman needs to go. But jeering and cheering and crowds of stupidity all around - drown the cries of Love, and the moans of blessings unwanted. The government doesn't care, for the government has no soul and cares not for anything but itself.

Well, I hope that Governor Romney continues to do a fine search for the perfect Vice President, I voted against Senator Obama because he picked Senator Biden. Which told me more about Obama than all the lauds and lamentations I had heard from his lips and the star struck media. And for a transparent President the seal on his school records says so much. And although the dumb Democrats want to make much of where, Swiss Banks, Governor Romney has some of his riches -- they haven't said he has hidden anything from the tax man. Knowing that people that work for Obama politically may just be very stupid when they say that Romney might be a felon... it could be true, no one in politics or Washington DC has any honor left.

Or, as I told many military men on their way to the Pentagon, all the REAL Soldiers in that area, are all in Arlington, in the Old Guard or buried beneath the soil. All others are politicians, and that is sad.