So the dramatic unCivil Was has begun, the drama and tension are quickly rising and it is all blamed upon Trump and the Media and the godless Democrats. But really, it is me, my bad, my fault -- I did so many good and almost great things (only in my daydreams) that I can't get into the current culture, and feel so sad that so many are wallowing in it, like it is the only way to think and be. And it ain't!
So I am the party of one, exerting some influence upon my lovely lady. And we vote soon, 5 Nov, and have deep questions to help answer. Like why can't they use simple English to write Bills and Referendums and Initiatives? Something simple like the lawyers don't need to be hired to read it for us folks.

I have been thinking about my age, got good news on the liver, no problems. But on the two issues I vote about both are suffering from stupidity of the media and the politicians. So I am sad. I did sign up for two more Appleseeds, and one new pistolseed preview/presentation for instructors. In eleven years of Revolutionary War Veterans Associations and Appleseeds, it was only my Life Membership in the National Rifle Association that made me a domestic terrorist according to the stupid lady in San Francisco. I know she doesn't know me, and can't send the authorities against me, but she spreads ignorance and doom.

My only defense is to continue to speak, teach, instruct, coach and love our LORD and Liberty, the Zombies and Walking Dead are on the way. The Media love the drama and build up to the climax so the fools get all the notice, my eleven years of working on the ranges with shooters and other instructors, without accidents, without terrorizing anyone, without mobilizing to stupid conflict and hate -- is no proof of anything. But it will be part of my life, since only the writers can change the history, and some of them have a message without facts just their feelings.
Ignorance and HATE are the mantra of the left. Hate especially against gun owners, who they know in their hearts WILL step up to stop their BS games... Thanks again for all you do to support Appleseed. Excellent program!