Came back from a success, looked at Face Book feed and left a note that I was going to flee. I am reading Northwest Passage, and would rather dwell with Rogers and his rangers coming back from wiping out a hostile French Indian camp then look at the silly stuff on FB. But can't stay reading forever I have stuff to get done, and if I don't move it won't get done and the less I do the more certain I can't handle anything on my own.. or government intervention.

Speaking of government intervention, I went to pick up my most recent purchase, no sales tax, but there was a SAR processing fee of $18. I have no idea how they decided that that fee was an improvement in all the good the government is doing for the folks. Being in Washington State I count it another example of an attempt to extract a little more blood but leave me alive for now. I am okay, I did enjoy the company of humans trying to please me and help me and do a fine job to put their needs in order. My wife isn't slowing down and I am not starting up the remainder of the day, unless she goes to walk on the treadmill. Then I will head for the garage and start straightening everything up. Too much stuff!!!!
I did have a couple interesting conversations about modern life. The clerk was telling me he didn't get his phone until 7th grade, I laughed. He said they get them younger now.... all soon to be part of the Borg. Real fears abound most aren't based on truth, as I teach rifle marksmanship I tell the shooters not to allow their mind to fuss their shot, don't allow your mind to change many things that don't count.... but like any temptation they will take their easy miss over a difficult hit.
Meh... I didn't get my first cell phone until I was... um... 39, and that was a bag phone I had to carry when I stood the duty. Sigh...