I have never liked commercials, telemarketers, computer interruptions of my viewing, door knocking salespeople and strangers out to kill me and loot my piles of stuff... but current culture demands participation and my attention or they will send someone to find out how I am. Do they really care? Probably not - but someone will try to call or thump on their side of my viewing of my activity. If I am blogging, like now, I would be likely to just never return if I had some popup ad.

Break free, it is a bit of a chore for some things. I have lots to think about, current books being read, memories to be recalled and taken care of, and a mind that always wants fed. Give me more of what I am searching for... so I was doing the 100 years War and wanted some diagrams beyond what was offered in my book, and I searched and found the book I remembered - not at hand. Things move, are still here but behind some pile of things not disturbed for years, and I do mean years, and I could be mistaken.
I do become convinced that I must start liquidating my stuff, throw away, give away and gift the really good stuff. Too much, too much. I also want to redo the Computer Cave, anyone know why I have three computers there? Well, if you do you are smarter than I am. I likely have all I need, just more than I realize or am prepared to handle.
As we get older, all those things become more 'apparent' to us, as we look at the amount of 'stuff' we collect over our careers.