Friday, April 8, 2016

The week is almost over...

   I was feeling good about my control until Wednesday afternoon, when I decided that I didn't know for sure that I had sent in the mortgage payment.  When returning home, I remembered to check, found that I hadn't and made it good. Went to Awana Club and provided some adult representation and enjoyed the vigorous happy children. Every day except Sunday I have gone to the YMCA for my exercise, often recalling how I wondered at Greeks and Romans that would go to exercise, sweat, clean and oil up every day in the good old days.

   I think that I will vote, casting all ballots tomorrow and getting them all into the mail and off of my desk.  Clean up needs to continue.  We are hosting visitors from Korea, my nephew and his wife, they are coming to visit her family in Vancouver - But I still have no idea if that is Washington or British Columbia, but we meet them at the airport on Wednesday. I will be busy and my wife anxious - the first time her family of any generation has bothered to stop by. It will all be well, I already removed the moss from the tool shed. Will have to stop and shoot some tomorrow, after the YMCA, have to keep trying to get better.