Coffee and a doughnut I didn't need from my wife, I got her coffee with creamer and sugar. Told everyone the two weekends this month I wasn't going to be at church, so they adjusted things that could be for my participation - even after I told them they didn't need to... So the 19th will start with singing, and finish with Bible Study and prayer. The 20th is an Easter Service, where I could get baptized if I thought it would improve me. I don't.
Sunday School lessons were on Proverbs treatment of man and money. Good discussion and lessons to be learned. Went off to wait for seaweed soup and rice lunch, which would be after the Korean service finished. Not enough seats, so I stood and noticed they were selling hotdogs, or giving them away. I went to get one, and asked the price (50 cents) so I told them to give nine more away to children that were hungry. Which excited the pretty young ladies that were serving, love to light their eyes up. And I went back to standing, eating my hotdog with everything on it, and talking about what-evers with the other guys. Suddenly three children were holding their hotdogs and waving at me from across the fellowship hall. And later two young people came up to me and thanked me for the hot dogs they had. Nice to be thanked, but I did it for the feeding of the needy. Still remember the quiet polite boy watching others getting free hotdogs, waiting to be invited. So I went up to him and invited him.
It only takes a real invitation to make something happen. The picture is of my missed Appleseed event, yesterday. Drove 173 miles to a closed range and a non-event, then drove safely home thinking about the anti-gun goofs winning. For no better reason than they got the range closed, made sane people do foolish things like blame the tool for the troubles, or frightened off enough people that .22LR ammunition is held too dear to linger on shelves or warehouses. Doesn't matter, I have to keep inviting people to shoot, listen to the heritage and help. An invitation always there.
That is just the nicest thing. What a good man you are.
ReplyDeleteThat is a truly sad sign... And hopefully not a sign of what is coming...
ReplyDeleteSad to see that sign, saw one like it last time I went to visit my WA crew out of Battleground.
ReplyDeleteWhat a kind thing to do for the kids, especially the one you noticed hanging back. Good on you for giving, and in a way teaching!