The rain has finally stopped a bit, the Sun is shining and I get to tell you how the Concealed Carry Permit renewal went. So smooth. First park and go to the Country Courthouse, where one gets the permit, or did ten years ago, and five years ago renewed at same. Go in the West doorway, where you may check your weapons and get a tag for pick upon your departure. No problem, metal items in that basket, weapons in this basket, walk through the metal detector. Easy, no conflict no problem. Then wander and find out that it isn't here any longer. Across the street in the 911 building. Okay, go back through gate, turn in check tag and get handed my weapons outside the metal detector. No questions, they do this daily.

The car maintenance was fine, but they found more things to fix than I think I need this month, but the time is coming. If I win the Lottery I could buy a new car. If the world collapses I can walk when gasoline isn't around, or if the Chinese and Russians nuke us until we glow I don't need to worry.
I got myself a railroader's hat, it is cool. Just call me the brakeman.
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