Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It was long ago, what difference does it make?

I am not watching the testimony before Congress.  The Congress is part of the problem, nice that they are asking, but they really don't care. Honest, they don't care. Four dead in Lybia, over fifty thousand Americans dead in Vietnam, same attitude - they aren't on the ground, problem with current command and control - they don't have to be on the ground, they have drones (they have always thought of service people as drones).

I will know how serious the President and the Congress are about winning a war, when they get armed and move out to the battle site.

Lots of serious conquerors did, a real man will fight and die for what he believes in - and seems many politicians, bankers, and public figures want drones to do the dirty work. Wonder where the heroes went - one labels everyone that moved, even in fear, a hero.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of a cat trying cover up its dump... NOT impressed with the dems on this at all, they DO NOT want the truth out there.
