I traveled a few hundred miles this weekend and helped at an
Appleseed in CdA, Idaho.

I had a great time, and remembered well the people, the tales and the time. Didn't get pounded by rain until I returned to the Puget Sound area in Washington and that only helped to wash all the bugs off the windshield. Although, watch vigorous sneezes while driving on rain slick roads in the mountain rains --- panic, oops here comes another sneeze!
Normally, I would give you a bunch of pictures for sharing my happiness - but camera shy the public seems to have become. I was asked to remove two of the pictures I had posted - so I did - I am not a man that wants to bother anyone. Maybe with all the government spying, we should be very afraid.
But since it is Memorial Day observed I will share more positive thoughts.

Today is a great day to take some young people to the graves - of those that have departed - on the battlefield or years later after having suffered for years and then finally called to that final rest. Someone has to explain to them why we fight wars, and what is a real hero, and why war can't be shown on television or in cinema since emotions haven't a real digital presence. A great day for an old worn warrior to visit his fallen comrades and tell tales about their service to that younger future hero or heroine. I liked seeing the scouts putting the small flags in front of the markers, and I hoped they read the campaigns and ranks and tried to picture the people they were - it is time to honor and remember they served. God bless them all.
Thank you for your commitment to teaching our young, and the reminder of those we lost.