So I went to support the Pro-2nd Amendment
At the rally, at the Capital in Olympia, Washington. Since I have nothing better to do and I was free to attend. I went and parked and walked to the campus.
Very few people, because it was Friday, a casual work day, no one in Washington State is going to miss work dressed down for a demonstration...

There was a large group of State Patrol officers, but that is normal while the government is working. The host stood up, the microphone worked and he got the rally started and thanked the right people. Then he got to the meat of the subject the 2nd Amendment being under attack and what we had to do about it. When he finished I took the microphone and told the story from my side and what I saw, what I believed and I did mention being part of Appleseed and teaching safe marksmanship and our American heritage. I must have said many of the right things, people thanked me for what I said (no, I have little idea what came out of my mouth, but it was true) and several wanted more information about Appleseed shoots, where to find more information and made me wonder why I didn't have more business cards or trifolds to pass out.

As others got up to speak I noticed much anti-the Presidents, the current one, the latest gripe from the news coverage or failure to cover. Lots of anger, lots of passion and lots of fumbling and grumbling. That stuff doesn't grow without fertilizer and water - wherever it comes from. Still a mostly positive message to get with your representatives and act on our rights. Two Legislators, Elizabeths both, came and talked to us, one had some solid ideas for protecting the children in schools. Nice of them to come and speak during their lunch recess.
I did go back up to cover the positive ideas and things one could do as a shooter, a responsible gun owner, and I covered the third safety rule. They all need to meet and talk politely, logically and sanely with the opposition, that only seems to know what they fear, not why they fear it. There were lots of television crews and reporters, the crowd didn't look like it got to five hundred total, but the expectations had been fifteen hundred.
I am very happy that I went, met some great people, was able to present the world from my point of view and promote safe shooting, safety and Appleseed. Another great day to be an American, volunteer Rifleman.
Thanks for representing us Earl, you did good! :-)