I am sure that Lance rode all those miles, sprinted and paced and set records, there are video tapes of the pack behind him. I know that the authority, that has written the terrible expose of his foul methods wasn't pedaling behind him, couldn't have caught him even if they had his super witch doctor blood brew and has justified their handicap by exposing his. He didn't trust in the Lord. He trained harder than most other cyclists and he wanted to win so much more that he thought he had to do anything to win.
He has no honor, he didn't honor his parents, his sport nor his following public. He didn't honor the Lord. I am not a bicycling fan, but I have competed poorly in endeavors a various times, enjoying the competition and the challenge and accepting what I earned, and truly appreciating how hard one has to train to get that little bit of edge to win. There is no doubt in my mind that when I was in the military I worked very hard to win on the battlefield, not always the way my leadership would have loved, but to the goal in my mind it was the best. As good as the godless Communists of Korea and Vietnam were they didn't get me or the units I was with for my shortcomings, although luck has much to do with that. The Iraqi Army had their idea of God, but didn't trust their equipment nor their instructors and never learned how to fight and win, losing and living was okay in their mind.

The idea of Honor has really gone away from the general culture in America, it was once what all men were judged by - by their women and other men. But in those days we had a real relationship with the Lord above, and then with everyone of his creatures on earth which we were to care for...
So, I see what happened in Libya and the Ambassador his staff and the CIA security, and the White House staff. It wasn't the President, nor the Secretary of State, but the fools surrounding them making decisions beyond their pay grade - not to have too military a presence, or to overkill any threats, to pretend that when the dawn broke life would be wonderful and this would be long forgotten. The President and the Secretary of State come into the story strongly only after the questions arose. Not that they have been answered. Just that now you know, if you are away doing the government's business - you will not be supported nor saved if politics say the safer course is elsewhere. No Honor.
This is not new, the reason the 300 Spartans and their King is still told as a story, is that they had Honor, and so many others didn't. The reason that Caesar had to die at the Senate was the Legions and the people would follow him and not the politicians of the Senate. Cincinnatus is a remarkable story in that absolute power didn't corrupt absolutely - at least in that man. Honor, one has to cultivate it to improve it. If Lance had only counted his blessings, and trusted in the Lord, and pedaled just as fast and hard - he still would have won. But then we would have had another useless agency like the AFTE that has no honor - without a victory, having to bend and twist and torture people to get evidence and convictions.
Good post Earl, and yeah honor is fast becoming a thing of the past...