Based upon a nice blog post about the decline, decay and destruction of America - caused by politicians and bankers. But really caused by an entirely too stupid culture of "I want it now and will pay for it later!" The Enablers of the dependency are the Bankers and Politicians - for their own gain, not for you. Honest, you think they made credit cards, debit cards and tax credits to make you Free and Healthy? If you owe money they own you. Sadly, that same people have elected politicians that run the government into debt the same way. No one studies History so we are doomed.
I would love to tell you, like there is a large audience out there, to pay off all your bills, go to cash economy and grow it and love your neighbors. But the government and banks want all transactions in electronic accounting, better for monitoring and taxes.
Well, my dreams were of building and training an army to resist the immediate rules and regulations and stupidity that the government and the people that think they own us will bring down on our heads. It has already started but you haven't been paying attention, have you?
But although the building and training an army was based on my D&D experiences and RPGs, I realized that stage two was missing. Resistance, the being better than the thugs of government - civil disobedience is very needed. Yes, they will mace and stun you, and some of us will die... but greater love has no man.

To do stage two best, one needs to get right with God, and to clean up one's own life - scrub it, the government will go all the way back to your fooling with your cub scout days and that pen knife, to hang your reputation out in public. Just know that only the Lord is worthy of your worship and love, not the great idea betrayed by current culture.
Needless to say, I did get really tired trying to fight the government and the stupidity, but I woke to rest in the Lord's day and His way. Take care out there, there are more good people everywhere than there are evil ones.
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