Recently I have noticed I am being asked not to say so much about shooting, and God seems to be a problem for some. I haven't done or said anything that I thought was hurtful, pointed at anyone or decided I need an enemies list. Funny as much as so many nameless military and paramilitary men have tried their best to end my days, I kind of admire their guts. I mean, I was representing a Superpower, and there were so many of us bad boys. But I do notice that there isn't anything to fear in firearms, and that God can't be that powerful if there is still all that darkness inside of me I have to control, so why would anyone fear my words about any of that?

Ah, well, since I couldn't affect the opinion of those on Facebook and don't want to bother anyone, I posted I was off to take a walk since Facebook isn't really exercise. I shaved, put my teeth in, put my gun on, put the vest on for pocket for camera, keys and winning Lotto tickets and said farewell to my wife. It has been really raining and as I stopped for my winnings the discussions were about how hard it has been pouring down. I left with smiles as I told them my theory that all the wind and weather is because we have too many big windmills cutting airflow daily.

It was a nice walk, three miles, the warning about getting caught in the rain was not fulfilled, and I got home and moved the garbage can to the backyard as it started to come down. Perfect timing, and now another cup of coffee. Reading about 1776.
I have it really very good about people that don't agree with me, and the current breakdown of civil society mainly in Main Stream Media and Culture is going from teasing, taunting and into terror like this example of SWATing.
I blame my mother for FAcebook, or at least for the time I spend there. She dragged me kicking and screaming into the world of computers and Internet and all...and I like what you write and what you write about just fine, but who am I to say...
ReplyDeleteI stay off facebook, and concur on the Seattle shooting! Rather that prosecute, they want MORE laws that the criminals will not bother to obey... sigh
ReplyDeleteEarl, never ever let someone elses words deter you from what you believe in and do. While I've never played any of the Facebook games and I think I've explained why, I love being able to see what my friends are doing in their lives. Sometimes their drama makes my drama pale in comparison. The one thing I'm beginning to dislike immensely is the vitrolic response to said drama. Sure does make one wonder how that little childhood ditty was composed..."Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Once words are spoken, they do have the power to hurt. Especially if the were written with that purpose in mind.
ReplyDeleteI've yet to see any of your words set out to do that. For, I think, your mother raised you to be thoughtful and considerate. I hope to keep reading your words for many a year.
As for Seattle, has it not always been such? If we look back thru the law books, I'm sure that we'll find a boat load of them that were written by those who thought they were smarter than everyone else and were just trying to protect the innocent... yeah, right.
Have a blessed day!