But I don't know that. If the government of the United States had spent the same amount of money that the Communists in the Soviet Union did on winning the war, it wouldn't have changed the war. If the United States had sat the war out, the Depression would have stopped as we sold weapons and raw materials to the combatants. If the government of the United States had not borrowed any money from anywhere, but paid by the richness of the country for the service and sacrifice of its armed forces...
First you have to know why there was a Depression, why communications have sped to the point we react too quickly to a threat. The Depression lasted too long because the government thought it was in control and that wasn't true. The war never had to be fought, Germany didn't have to start a war to get healthier. There are a lot of stupid bad ideas about the world and every nations place in it, and re-writing History is a full time occupation of governments, colleges that should know better, and popular culture. What is accepted is that there was a collapse of faith in the Stock Market, banks, government and one's own ability to take care of oneself. And since my grandmother Dungey lived the rest of her life under the best way to take care of oneself, in case there was another Depression, she would always be in the Depression not part of the Expansion after the war. She was what the government doesn't understand. Strong work ethic, strong family values, firm faith in God, salvation and the future.
By the logic of Deficit spending, and having a war, our country should be very economically healthy. The reason I think we have all the problems in the government, economy, our future -- is lack of trust, no faith in business, government, media, education and a complete lack of faith... now, the ones have have faith in GOD, themselves, their family and the future are not suffering now. Then again, they should be... so says the government, the media, and those that have something to sell. Figure out where you are, know that there are chains that will slow you and any recovery from any misery you know - offered by government, credit lenders, loan sharks, protection rackets. A practicing Buddhist will never be affected by Depression or Expansion... different value system.
The end of the Depression came from the end of the war and the return of the veterans to home, those that had seen the total destruction of Europe, Asia, and their combat buddies wanted a normal good life. Having survived the war, they had a firm faith in their ability to make things better no matter what. They got married never thinking of divorce, they got jobs, started businesses, went back to school and made a better life. Not as many would have gotten more education without the GI bill, but they were going to be better no matter what. I think I got a limited but effective public education, but then I had a stable family (something the government never provides) and brother and sisters, interested adult parents that shared breakfast and dinner daily. That helped me get a good start. Always with a Sunday service, a family involved in community and faith.

I have to give credit to those adults that want to help the next generation not make the mistakes that we might have, and still to enjoy life. They don't seem to be paid for their hard work, they do have a glow from the laughter and excitement of learning. Hmm, you can't bottle that and put it on a shelf for sale (or to be taxed and controlled by the power hungry), can you?
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