I had the world's best mother of Earl, and I had another family that I could hang with when she was trying to make me a much better person than I ever thought I would be... I was fortunate I didn't have to run away or sleep on the streets or many other things that could have been traumatic.
I made french toast for my son's mother today. I have no real idea of how to treat ladies that I love, they all try to tell me what to do I just don't drink enough... I am not the horse but the hind part, too often.
The pastor took a tack I wouldn't have on his Mother's Day Sermon, of the combined service, even though the Korean Mother's Day was the 8th of May.
Mother's Day in religious teachings has to me always centered around King Solomon's justice in the case of the two mothers with only one living baby. As I understand it, the government (the King) in his goodness decided that both mother's could have half. And ordered his executioner to split the babe. In shock, my mother always told me that the real mother decided to give the living babe to the other woman to save the baby. And the King, knew the real mother would do that so awarded the babe to the sacrificing woman.

But today. being a real cynic, I realized that wasn't what happened. The real mother had no heart and only wanted justice and her due and had not enough love to share with anyone but her reflection in the mirror. So it was okay, lawful and just, that the babe die to be shared by both women. And the crazed woman, whose child really had died, had enough love and a greater heart to share with the unwanted baby and the executioner was most happy, since he hadn't signed on to kill women and children in the King's behalf. And the King could mark up another favorable report about his reign in the marketplace as he tried to attract the Queen of Sheba, to help pay off his debts. In the end, Love wins out, and that might mean you have to give something up, go against the government, or sacrifice selflessly for the life of a helpless other -- it will be right with the Lord.
So for all you mothers, especially those that aren't doing it the normal way, the legal way, or the related by blood way --- give lots of love, it comes back seven fold in God's Kingdom come. All normal mothers, you are doing great, lots of the Lord's Love for you, too.
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