Not unarmed, but ungunned, like England - living down to its fears of Gun Violence, making sure that no one can ever have a gun again. Or so I have been told. Don't look down at them, for we allowed ourselves to be treated like cattle on the way to slaughter in response to Islamic Terrorists, who by my definition have won, since we changed our lives to their threat of repeating their suicidal stupidity... you don't hold them up as martyrs, do you?
I don't think much of 'Reality TV' since it isn't very real, but I enjoyed Top Shot, when they had various firearms or other weapons, and strange cool targets, but then they had to add drama - for those of us that wallow in our overstuffed recliners munching popcorn or chips or cookies and ice cream -- NOT BEING COMPETITIVE, we wouldn't understand if they didn't play up drama and vocalize the secret thoughts. Imagine, Peyton Manning whispering his thoughts before the next play to John Madden (don't bother, that is what color commentators do for those that didn't play the game). We can fast forward past that noise to the next shots and enjoy the shooting. My favorite way to enjoy football now that John Madden is off the air, is to Mute the sound.
Anyway, the Gun Control groupies seem to have noticed that the Gun Culture is changing the public perception of shooting - in the media. No, I don't mean that they will show the Olympic Awards to American shooters in the Summer Olympics, unless they notice that some of them are HAWT! and trend setters with commercial value. What is the name of the woman Indy 500 racer? You mean there has been more than one? But there are several gun sales and manufacture shows - copying the success of Orange County Choppers, and Antiques Roadshow. If I were to predict what the show was about - one or two interesting females wearing clothes for ample display of skin that doesn't do hot brass well, maybe some tattoos, some young guys that don't know everything but think they do, and an older wiser feller that keeps everyone in line. - Oh, and don't forget the piles and bags of cold hard cash (that most of us don't carry any longer) like gold coins in Arabia so much more exotic than debit or charge cards. Oh, and don't forget exploding targets (although I love Boomershoot, most of those shooters have lots of dry fire and normal targets under their belt before hitting something that blows up on impact).
It isn't the Gun Culture that is changing the public perception, it is the entertainment for money group. The Gun Culture is taking folks to the range, cleaning up their language (sometimes), and making it a fun, family thing to do. If we want to succeed, more access to ranges, more safety classes, more open encouragement of new folks, and government support. Less of: we are the only voice of the Gun Culture and 2nd Amendment, we know how to run this range 'you follow our rules', and we want more money for our time and facilities.
Anyway, the Gun Control guys and gals feel a slipping away of the pious looking down on the stupid Rednecks and their firearms by the public, and don't want their against guns in general (because you don't want me to think for myself! squeal!) supporters to fall under the media spell.
I don't want the public to fall under the media spell either, I cringed when someone brought their girlfriend in three inch heels to the range and she swept the line with her less than firm control but obvious glee in having the firearm go Boom!. But I like old folks hovering over their posterity, talking them through the safety rules, the steps in making the shot, the correct position and analyzing the target hits. I will watch and be friendly and helpful as I can -- I know that I would never like living in the UnGunned culture, just like I know I would never like to shoot another human being, again. Doesn't mean I won't if I have to just won't like either.
Good points Earl, when the wives and kids start showing up in mass, we'll 'know' we've won!
ReplyDeleteTrue, Earl. I just started hearing about the mess in Florida, and I realized that you would not have run after an unarmed teenager with a gun and kill him. Unfortunately, not all humans are as sensible as you. Those are the ones who scare me ... but, then, to quote Agatha Christie, "Murder is Easy". If not guns, then something else will do.