Or, How the Caucus Party Bosses wore me out! I have long held that people want government to replace God, probably because they think they can get around government. This is a long standing problem and I would send you to 1 Samuel 8. But since I live in an America that fancies itself like post-Solomon Biblical greatness and is getting ready to be ruined and looted by more proficient pretenders I will relate my day of trying to become part of a solution.
Woke early, dressed well and arrived to find parking and a long, getting longer line, of other representatives to the caucus at the Convention Center, that I have never seen utilized enough (I don't get out much). Fun stuff, talking and exchanging what we think we are going to return America to good stuff. The morning is cold but we are only waiting about thirty minutes for the people inside to get organized. They set up the reception, identification and credentials. The employees of the Convention Center are setting up the breakfast buffet and the sound systems and seating in the various rooms and checking systems. I talk to the sound board operator, he lived in Denver once. Because there are so many delegates to get certified the official meeting takes longer to get started, but I cruise the politician's tables for who is running where and labels and bumper stickers and buttons. I grab a cup of orange juice and a jellied roll, admiring the building positioning and outlook of Mount Rainier - if the weather only cooperated it would be stunning.
Finally about nine-thirty we were seated by precinct and the meeting began, with a long vigorous prayer of the Christians, the wonderful singing of the Star Spangled Banner, and the Pledge of Allegiance. Focus, folks, the officers are temporarily appointed, motions, seconded, and other parliamentary actions done. Procedures, punctuate periodically. County Chairman starts the conversations and lauds, I get uncomfortable when he wants the Active service and Veterans to stand up, applause, then the parents, family of a veteran, applause. I grew up in a culture that all the good men were veterans and all the young men expected to serve like their fathers had and it was just the way it should be, no applause necessary or needed. Followed by dynamic presentations of politicians for office at various and sundry levels. They know why we are here, they do know our concerns and they do make all the buttons get pushed and the crowd rises to their call. A few of them are running for the same office and point out their differences and strengths. The last speaker was a short Hispanic looking guy running for governor, but the Republican Party choice, tall older white man with polish, had long ago spoken well. That last speaker, was an emigre, naturalized citizen from Iranian foolishness that loved the idea and story of AMERICA, land of the Free! And he could speak, I think his business is motivational speaking and teaching it. Wow! Being, a Saved Christian, he was also pushing God's blessings on his life and passing it on. The standing ovation he got won't get him into the Governor's mansion, but all the politicians and their henchmen were paying attention.
Now all that had been great, a little slow on getting the next speaker up to present, but that worked for the speaker and the audience. Finally, the breakdown for lunch and breaking into the various districts for delegate voting. That was where the work was. I didn't get my ham and cheese box lunch, had to take turkey and ginger ale. But the Apple was crunchy and good, this is Washington, we do apples right.
Back to moving the mountain, more parliamentary procedures, jockeying for advantage the four candidate supporters trying to figure out how to get a majority of their kind to the State convention, sigh, they should have fought for it. No, we are civilized and fair, everyone would get a vote. The counting and reporting took way too much time - all volunteer hand counting, so ten fingers only go so fast. If everyone had an iPhone with the appropriate app, we could have sailed sweetly to the finish line. I stayed for three votes which took six hours to complete - and they say this is the modern era. I was dropped from consideration on the first vote, and until the third vote none of the parties was willing to share candidates and votes to get them advanced. Finally, the Santorum and Ron Paul supporters exchanged twelve names so enough people would vote to get those elected as delegates, if they did it that way for the remainder of the evening, it was already seven when I left, then they would get most of their candidates elected. Romney supporters were the greater number, but they were just going to try and wait it out until the voting changed to most votes instead of majority. I was on my way home.
I need to find Kirby Wilber's email for contact. This is in so many ways sad, in that it discourages participation. I am no longer supporting with money or time their political efforts - I have been used, and I am sure to be discarded as I am not that valuable. The winners? Not the people of Washington State, nor the Republican Party at all levels. Back to shooting straight, turning soil for my wife's garden, passing on the messages of the Lord and trying to be a better man. Be good out there, God loves you, even if your government doesn't really care. I am voting, seriously, we all must.
Concur with the last sentence, and it's sad when 'games' like this get played...