Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I do think most of America, the people - all of the people do not understand...

  What made these United States of America great - was the people and the Liberty to grow fat and happy. What has been the problem is the idea that the people can't take care of themselves and their future. I do understand God being more intelligent than I, but I have trouble finding many in elected offices and government agencies that are smarter than I.  Not many of them are as nice as I am either.

  From the very beginnings there has always been a struggle to keep from making kings, nobility and grabbing power. Arron Burr and Alexander Hamilton come immediately to my mind, lucky that George Washington was a contented planter.  Over the last hundred and ten years or so, many fools have worked hard to ruin a simple idea - the people could be in charge of their own. There are lovely things like gun control in Mexico, and no one wants to proclaim that nation a paradise, although vacationing there still happens. Canada works pretty well, except you have to look under the hood sometimes. I liked them for storing gold when FDR went crazy, and storing anti-war folks when Johnson went crazy.

  I don't think there are enough all Americans that understand Liberty, the Constitution and such. If the USA is a republic, then a militia of concerned citizens is part of that mix. Armed and aware and not willing to be bought off to surrender their Liberty. Two things for the Federal Government, the militia was the States' and not the 'national' government's. Yes, fifty of them.

  I am almost certain, with education being what it is today, the people aren't prepared to take care of themselves. They have to have a court decide what a law means, because no one knows how to read nor write in English?   What I think and say isn't important enough to share, you would have figured it out yourselves if you are smarter than I, but don't expect the government - at any level - to think for you, to protect you, to understand you, to assist you, or make you fat and happy. But you have my blessings as you find your way in the world, just don't think to control anyone or anything - or you become part of the problem not part of the solution. If you have to send armed men to make it your way, you haven't got a good idea. Think it over again.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I give up, I will not participate in stupid....

   If I say something is not true, that means it is false. What seems to happen is that the person that has said something false will bring other false to the discussion and not prove anything except how stupid they are, how involved they are in proving they know what they believe has to be true, and how stupid they think you are for pointing out they just aren't telling the truth.  Are you worn out yet?

   Mathematics are so clean, if they didn't use all those Greek symbols I might have stay longer in class.

   I agree violence against people and property is illegal and should be illegal and we should try the people in the court of law, by a jury of their peers.

   I also know that gun control is holding your firearm on target, and putting it away when you aren't going to be in control on target.

   I will continue to be amazed at the number of politicians that think (or just say they do think) that they can protect the people by more laws.  They can't. 

   I guess for my life, what little I have remaining, I will have a prayer prepared for when I am startled by the stupid. They certainly need the LORD's help, and I do need to remain calm and in control -- not wanting my guns to go off and kill thousands when I am not watching.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Who you gonna call???

  I was doing shooting drills with another man, his drills, his range and targets. And I learned a lot, mainly about how much I don't know... so I have stuff to work on. Dry practice is your foundation, but do make sure you only practice the correct way.  I am positive, you being an intelligent human being, that you will invent a way to get it done or else die when overcome by events. Flooding like crazy in the Carolinas, crazy drivers, and unexpected rock slides and train wrecks. The younger folks may just pull out their phones and photograph and share, the more responsible may try to contact professional help, and then do their best.

  A very serious gun writer posted videos of shooting drills, and in less than ten seconds putting nine bullets into three targets, two to the chest, one to the head. Of all three, without a double tap. Faster than I ever draw my pistol, the conflict was settled before I could get into the fray.  Analyzing after, the shooter said she needed more drills to improve draw, reload and malfunction, clear, reload and engage..... practicing for Murphy's worst day, all good stuff.

   One of my first lessons in the gun drills, that the bullet in this man, will go on to the man behind, which is only great if they are both bad guys -- what if one had been just walking behind the threat?

  My wife attended the funeral of the lady she couldn't save with her CPR last weekend. And this morning she went back over how it all happened, what everyone did, and all the things she knows now about the woman and her health issues which may have had a large portion of her death than my wife knew at the time...

  That is always going to be the point. You can only work on what you see and know at the time of crisis. So before anything happens: plan for failure, plan to act, and pray it goes the way it should. Then PRACTICE the stuff correctly.  When playing the piano, bad practice only hurts tranquility and someone's ears, when skate boarding, bad practice may mean scrapes and bruises and busted bones, but you are always learning if you survive. You may figure out your own skill set, when and where you want to learn and master -- but that professional help you need, costs money to maintain, isn't in your back pocket with your credit card and is only minutes - very long minutes - away.

  'Be prepared' should be a watchword not just a Boy Scout goal. In crisis you will tire yourself more from the fear/fight/flee chemical wash than the real actions of blood and muscles, so get control, cool and calm and TAKE ACTIONS!  My favorite war story (remember nothing ever happened to me) was being awakened from a fine nap because of a rocket attack - and I was not affected by it, so I could grab the mike, ask calm questions and answer higher headquarters with real information since they wanted to share and help... the only totally sane thinker in the room, at that moment.

  They give Dr Ben Carson noise over his idea of rushing the threat... not I, I know he is right, get in the fight! Even if you want to hug the poor misunderstood terrorist/murderer, give him a good hug, lock it down and whisper sweet thoughts in his ear -- until those professionals arrive. My wife listened quietly to the critical comments about what she had done, by another woman that hadn't been there, and started to get riled (she is a master at being riled), I told her that she should 'thank the woman for her information, ask if she wants to schedule a practice where she can demonstrate and all may practice, and that she hopes that next time she would jump in and do it right.  But then 'she' wasn't there... which leads to my question about any situation... who are you going to call? How long can you wait, and shouldn't you already be preparing beyond watching Ninja movies and slick gun flicks? They have dialing 911 to a one touch push ---- answer the operator, and then give the phone to someone else and help out. Thank you for your attention, but keep participating in life, it is moving on.

   Instead of worrying and wondering about gun violence and gun safety - are you stepping up to inform, train and practice with your children about their lives and firearms, first aid, and good manners? We aren't talking sex, just living in Liberty so everyone can participate.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Good Morning, America...

  Big day today, hundreds of thousands of Americans are getting out their guns, checking them, checking the ammunition and leaving their homes and expect to shoot today.  Many are looking forward to it.  Some are going to be reluctant and cautious.  Depends on why and where they are carrying.  I expect most all of them will return home to put the guns up, cleaned, oiled and resting until the morrow. Yes, many rounds will have been fired on target, most - over 95 percent will be on target, all most all will never have harmed anyone. I pray it will be so, for sure it is my expectation.

  I enjoy watching dramas and such, but I can tell my life is not one of those fantasies. My life is mine and much better than Hollywood writes.  Oh, today I am one of those Americans that will be carrying guns and ammunition around, with the intention of shooting, if needed, on target cause only hits count.  All the proposals about training, identification, registration and what they call common sense gun control --- I will be right there, meeting all the artificial requirements, gosh if I could be trusted and expected to compute tactical nukes, and not betray my country... how do you think you would ever regulate me out of my very real gun control? My guns, I control them. Not the government, not the local drug lords, certainly not the Pastor, the policemen, the auto mechanic, the bikini barista, the little boy down the lane.... just me.

  I offered my brother a pistol and fifty rounds when he was complaining on Facebook about who was going to get these guns and ammunition for everyone being part of the militia of American citizens... but he didn't answer. Which is fine, no one should be required to own a weapon they don't want, just like no one should be required to drive a Prius. And being an American, I do understand resisting stupid ideas from people in government and power. Part of our nation's foundation, resisting bad ideas and behavior.  If registration were a fine idea, you could register people, DNA and fingerprints, photo id with bar codes to be read by machines, to allow citizens to carry a firearm anywhere they wanted to, and to vote.

   Not that the anti-gun goofs will read this far, but if you tie carrying arms to voting, as far as registration and photo ID, the Left will fold.  I watched one do that yesterday, I don't care but they seem to not understand that militia and citizen are the same human being. I have been carrying ID for a long time.

   I got a form letter from my credit card company, one that I owe money to, and since they have decided that I was late with my payment they would have to penalize me.  Ah, punish me! Beat me!  I sent a couple pieces of the offended card back to the fine folks, thanked them for all the years of working together and helping me break that habit of reaching for plastic to cure my temporary ills.  I have noticed that everyone wants you to have their card, giving you all kinds of perks, but just so they can drain your blood, you are a golden egg laying goose and they want you.  I am sure they talk to each other out there in the money lending world.  Didn't they notice the number of credit cards I have but don't use? The number of cards I once used but decided I didn't like their rates and closed? Hmm, not in their program, just like everyone expects I can't get along without a cellphone, iphone, smarter than I phone, but I do, thank you.

   Oh, yes, I could get by without any guns, or knives, or some little knowledge of martial arts and war.... but they aren't hurting me, my family, nor anyone else.  The problem is the people that don't love life, be they in Planned Parenthood or all the crazy murderers feeding the nightly news and the let's keep the people in fear so we can stay on top and in charge folks in government.

Monday, October 5, 2015

It was a great weekend, but I was praised for my wife...

    Seriously, I married my wife long before the government even knew she existed, and she and I have a very committed relationship.  Now from outside of us, we have heard it all and much that was unsaid was deafening.  Words like she is only a "        " put any offensive word from either language in there if you like.  Or, just a GI, can't get a job, can't get an American girl to love him -- what a loser.  The biggest reason the words were unsaid was she would fight, once when I couldn't get a pass off post, my friends came back to tell me how she had beaten up, in a fair fight, another woman for her disrespect or something.  She did have a bit of pride in those days, she was her father's daughter.  And I had a similar attitude, and would fight for honor or love or just to be bad, so I didn't hear much directly. I was denied much by the command that was protecting me from making a big mistake - my first but not last confrontation with the government deciding what was good for me, and us.

   Not going to bore anyone with the years between that and yesterday, Sunday at church, and as I left the church shaking hands and going to do Sunday School with the fifth graders -- I got these 'you have a wonderful wife'.  Okay, I would say, thank you, I really do know that. Thank you...

   Now the children had some concerns about the shooting in Oregon, just down the I-5 highway, and I had a great day on the range the day before with Jack and four older shooters, so I made sure we covered firearm safety, two main points: Don't touch the firearm, and get an adult. The other was if you have a firearm to keep the muzzle in a safe direction.  I was there for Bible study and kept the safety simple and repeatable and made them discuss it so they were sure.

   I have about half of their names memorized, they all know me, cause I am one and they have been around forever. But we are getting better...  After that I was invited strongly to attend the Sunday School teachers lunch with the Pastor in charge of their education, and as we sat around the table I noticed that all the teachers were old men, for first through six grade. Hmmm, so the lunch was good, the introduction to the Pastor and his wife and the other teachers. Then back to pick up my car at the service shop, which is open all weekend, and of course didn't have the sensor it needed until Tuesday morning so we will repeat that again. And I drove home, met my wife and decided to give her a little time off the computer on her problem.

   Now on Saturday evening when I returned the hundred and thirty miles diven twice to instruct and tell about the heritage at the Appleseed in Custer, Washington, ten points if you know whom the town was named in honor of.. anyway our son called from Hawaii, where he is now working and living. He wanted to connect on Skype and hadn't been able to since I changed to Windows 8.? and I opened the laptop with Windows Solid Seven and got a great video feed going and son and two fast moving lovely grandchildren had a great visit, but determined that Windows 8.? was going to go away and I was going to get control of my new computer. So I went to sleep happy, dropped the Caravan off at the dealer Sunday morning, and went to church where I got the opinion of our working computer expert on upgrading to Windows 10 and would I be happy.  Good talk and he convinced me to spend some time doing it.  So I did on Sunday afternoon. And as I worked on that my wife asked me, again, to get her new smarter than husband phone on my WiFi (another resident monster I hadn't conquered). Okay, there is a lot of checking and loading time for me to do other stuff.

   I got Windows 10 on my computer, about the same time that she with help from her coach in her native language that I got her connected to my WiFi, then I went totally crazy and started linking everything that would take the WiFi connection. Only the printer remains that I know about.  What a wonderful, successful weekend.  So, as we are chilling out, she tells me about her trip to the hot bath spa with the other ladies.  Seems that they were having a wonderful time and noticed one was missing, she was under water and they pulled her out, asked for CPR help, called 911, and my wife trained long ago for CPR started clearing airway, positioning and mouth to mouth, which brought up the body's reflect choking/puking clearing shoving stuff in my wife's mouth, which she spit out and began again.. All the time thinking this was harder and how long would it take professionals to get there and why doesn't everyone know how to do this... and would she be able to keep it up -- my wife is a worrier, but determined. She kept it up until the professionals arrived and relieved her. The woman didn't make it, she died on Saturday.  My wife tells me about it on Sunday night. Koreans don't like to share bad news, but I was proud that she had tried, and so were the people at the church that knew... the ones that kept telling me how wonderful my wife was. Same woman, but very different perceptions of her value, worth and I get the best of it all.  No matter what all those other fools thought when we were young and so powerless but so promised.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

I have been given permission... so...

Tamara Keel Oh, feel free.
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 So I think everyone that really wants to know about "guns" please Google 'Tamara Keel' and find out what she is writing and speaking about which is usually about guns, although you may find cameras and Indianapolis and Tennessee among her notice.  She knows, she cares, and you may feel so much more  expert if quoting what she has shared, what she doesn't share may be totally scary.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Time for the meek to inherit the Earth...

  Meek = showing patience and humility; gentle   and that describes a paratrooper from Charlie Cobras long ago and far away...  Cause when it was time to fight, they would do so...  all boys should be brought up better, with the certain knowledge and playground experiences that say they are to fight and protect the weak and innocent. To include shooting Afghan child rapists, but it isn't about a failed nation state as much as a failed cultural norm - 'violence never solves anything'.  That wasn't true when my mother said it, and she knew it but had to give me better examples of a better way.

   I don't have guns because I have a desire to shoot anyone, that is irrational and stupid and I don't have to be either.  I don't want, desire nor expect to ever shoot anyone, I work hard to avoid it. Firearms are dangerous, but so much of the world is dangerous so I have to learn how to control - ME.  When I pick up a firearm, I must make sure it doesn't overcome my reluctance to point it in a dangerous direction and pull the trigger. If I am really picking it up, I first make sure which way it is dangerous, make sure it is on safe and unloaded.... then I can decide what to do next with it. It takes a real man to resist that urge that Hollywood gives every red blooded boy to shoot their eyes out, to take up the blade and slash and stab until blood is covering everything... right? Oh, I am supposed to know the difference between myth, fantasy and foolish idiots?  I mean, really all my girl friends and romantic lady friends have all looked just like... themselves and are cherished because they don't live like Pretty Woman characters with golden hearts and sloppy morals?

   Let me be perfectly clear, I blame the Western Culture and Civilized world for the foolish politically correct and almost Christian view of living in love and harmony. Jesus wants us to be our best in this life for the next.  You should want everyone to be their best in this life, not because of fear, not because of weakness, not because they must or the government or mob will kill them or condemn them to being outcasts. You should want them to be wonderful people so we will all live a great rewarding life here on Earth.  And sometime, in dangerous times when people are getting killed, the men need to know they are to stand up and attack and slay with effect.  They need to stop when the danger is done - then God and the government can come along and investigate, repair, restore and award points for form or take them away for folly and foolishness.

Meek = showing patience and humility; gentle   It is time for boys to be boys, and the meek to inherit the Earth.  Ladies, teach your children well, you do need to produce gentlemen and warriors and heroes.  And those that say that I mean to decrease the importance of women and their role, haven't a clue and should visit the library much more. Ladies can and may fight just as hard or harder, but I hold them responsible for the most important part of the killing time, turning it off when the danger has passed.